Saturday, February 21, 2009

Razor Sharp

Now, in this moment,
I can't help but to be awake
to the sizzling reality
of each moment we have.

Not 5 minutes from now,
not a promotion,
not winning 50 bucks in the lotto,
not getting the perfect house,
or the perfect praise.

that life offers hidden gifts
for me to unwrap.

They may not look like gifts,
as a matter of fact,
they can seem daunting
and scary,
and so laden with the absolute
reality of what life really consists of.

What is it that life hands us?

Sometimes things are wrapped in pretty packages
and we love the wrapping, and even what we see inside the package.

Other times, we look at the gift, and say, "That's NO GIFT".
That is a nightmare. Dare I unwrap this!?

But what I am learning,
is that no matter what the "gift" is,
the wrapping may be different.
Some adorned with flowers and bows,
and some with dark wrapping and no frill.

They both,
when unwrapped with a willingness,
are filled with things that we actually DO WANT
Even if it doesn't look like it.

Why would someone ask for no frills
and dark wrapping paper?

Maybe it will be in a month
or a year,
that we say
"Oh yea, I did request that paper,
AND the filling.

And, the same feeling,
if not more,
would be just as grand,
as opening the gift with
the flowers and bows.

They wind up being put
on the same shelf, and looked at
with the same reverance
and appreciation.

My gift today,
is no frills,
but by the end of the day
it will be up on my shelf,
with all of the other beautiful gifts,
I have received
along this journey.

Don't put up too many shelves
in your house.

There really is
only one,

which should be adorned
with nothing other

and that,
my friend
cost no money
and you don't need
a decorating degree.


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