Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I know there are a gazillion ways to feel and be totally compassionate, but some stick out more than others.

Tonight, I had dinner with a special friend who has just been here for a few months, is from a different country, and is having a difficult time understanding the English language, and is planning on staying here, for many reasons, but the language "barrier" is holding her back from so much.

To me, this country is so open, so willing to help, and probably one of the easiest places to get along, even if you don't know the language.

It has been magnificent, learning a different language, helping to understand our way, and the English language, but for me as well. I am learning a different language, a different culture, and a way to be more compassionate.

To me, my friends English is no barrier, no problem! To her, it is a nemesis.

I told her, I can't imagine going to your country, just last minute, and trying to understand a language that no one had ever taught me. WOW! Kudos to you! Don't negate your progress my friend. It takes balls to go to a foreign place, put yourself out there, and to just try to speak a language that is so unfamiliar. Please don't skip over those huge details. It takes someone quite courageous to embark on that journey, amongst the many other things that go along with being a foreigner, especially here, in vanilla land, white bread America.

I won't expound just yet, there is just wayyyyyyyyyyy too much!

I have so much love and respect for those who jump off of the cliff of comfort and into an abyss of uncertainty, to follow their heart, even if they aren't sure where their heart needs to be. YOU ARE EXPLORING WITHOUT CAUTION! THAT IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT! I SUPPORT YOU AND ANYONE.......ON THIS ROAD!

That is where the goods are! You are on the right track!! Don't go anywhere!

They don't call it the "Mystery" for shits and grins........... It IS for a reason!

It does take a certain mind set to keep you sharp, clear and understanding of such a bizarre road, that no one seems to take but the risky.

It takes a lot to get privy, OK with, and comfortable with the uncomfortable, to meander ahead in the pasture of love, and be able to apply things in regular everyday generic life.

This past year it has taken me a lot to get back to that reality, and it has it's pleasures, but man, we do, have to consider the roads that make up half of our everyday work lives, and for just a pinch, do what we need to do, plan or whatever, just enough to get us through, but like a drug addict to his choice of drug, it is hard to take us, the ones who believe in love, away from our element of risk hood, to risk EVERYTHING..............DAMN................. EVERYTHING.........for LOVE, that beckons us so passionately, so purely, and directly.

You cannot take that away from us, and even if you do, we will secretly find time to dig it up again, to taste that sweetness, to be able to apply it in any which way that we can, because it means............THAT MUCH!

I have recently come to some major conclusions in my life. Not by making any choices in my life, but allowing everyday life to dictate what it is that I really want. It is pretty much written in sand......... I haven't said stone, just yet, but man, I am so on fire with the possibilities of my summation of what the rest of my life might be like. I'm excited and a little bit nervous that it isn't like the norm, but then again, when has my life been that "norm"?

I have never felt this detached, and that is a weird kind of word for me. Situations arise and I feel myself attached but life says, "Don't", not because it is bad, but I truly think there is some little nomad in there saying, "Gabriela, I know this is appealing, but........ we know what you truly want".

I feel like I am in the process of the Caterpillar to the Butterfly.

Wow, it is intense, and I am shedding skin, and even if it hurts, I get glimpses of my new found rise in evolution, and I forge forward, hoping it will bring me closer to what I envision as my "IN LOVE".

I feel in love right now, but it is only glimpses.

I know I am on the right path, for me, at least.

I may be alone but I am feeling so Pioneer-esque that it doesn't matter one IODA!

I am just so grateful for the FREEDOM OF CHOICE, and that I am able to voice my opinion, somewhere. Whether or not it gets recognized is another story.

I am soooooooooooooooo soooooooooooooooooo grateful for the opportunities that I have to be able to express my heart, to be able to be heard, and for the ability to make choices that are razor sharp to my my own beliefs!

God, we are so darn lucky!!!!

After talking to a friend tonight, we have many, many choices, in comparison to others and where they are from.

Let's take a moment of gratitude for our lives and how special and privileged we really are!

I'm not being corny, I'm being real!

I'm so passionate about this moment.

I wish I could articulate how it all really is, inside.

I'd probably blow myself right outa the water.

Thank you........thank you for expression!

It means everything to really does!

All my love to you and for those who have helped me along my journey.

I love you so much!



  1. Thanks for the reminder of gratitude! Sometimes I am so caught up in figuring out what I want I forget just how good things really are right here under my nose!

  2. Thank you my dear FRIEND! Thanks God that you are on my way here and now. Thanks your wonderful soul... this fine butterfly... which pleases this world with the and now!!!!!
    Thank you my dear for your HELP!!!!
