Wednesday, February 24, 2010


You know there is that old saying, "When one door closes, another opens?"

Well, I think that those words have become sort of cliche'. We hear something so many times that it winds up being just words that you hear, and no real experience attached. I mean, the words sound great, and you pan on them for a second, but then you find yourself right back to those daunting thoughts that keep you stuck in the realm of what you think is real, how you have valid reasons why you think it happened, why it's not your fault, how this and how that.

I think we can actually bore ourselves to death, if you really look at our thought patterns, cop to it, and realize, c'mon........ Wasn't I REALLLLLLLLY asking for this to happen??

Maybe you didn't ask for it to unfold in the ways that it did, but sure enough, if you look closely, you know you damn well asked for it, and here it is and we want to blame, push it away or act all surprised!

I don't think anything ever really shows up exactly as we want it. Call it good or bad.

I am looking at my life very closely........I mean seriously, I have my arsenal of telescopes, microscopes, kaleidoscopes, magnifying glasses, and I truly am having to laugh at myself these days. You "idiot" Gabriela.......... look under that microscope again......... yep......... there it is........... the very thing you have been asking for is now here........... OK, so it took 6 weren't very specific when you asked, so I thought I would take my sweet time and let you experience life a little and then throw the Deuce out when "I" thought the time was right.

Did you forget or something? Remember way back when you said that you really didn't want this, and you would rather have that, and all of the other little things that you asked for that are now happening? Remember that Gabriela, or are you getting too old and are experiencing some major amnesia?

I think you are still young and spry, and if you get clear enough, spend some time with yourself, you will see just how perfectly I delivered what you had asked.

I'm sorry if it hurts, but when you ask for something, maybe you want to be a bit more clear on how that may play out. Wishy washy doesn't work in this frame of thought.

So, I got it! I got it!

Man, what a deep breath, because I did ask very specifically for what I am experiencing now, if I put labels to my situations. All of them, really, from relationships, to wanting to know myself deeper, to know how to be detached from a conscious place, yet love deeper, to be independent again, to not depend on anyone for anything, and to love and care for myself as tenderly and in depth as I do others. To understand and create boundaries in my free flowing, hippie, love all kind of world..............

There is a huge growing up, and tending to a soul that is vast, and complex, and too, so light hearted, that it just wants to go out and play, ya know?

So, "bad" things happening, I think, are always meant to create "good" things to happen.

I used to see it in hind sight, but thankfully, I am seeing from a different kind of view, and it actually excites me to be able to see from a more clear place, and excited too, that I have great things to look forward to. I do know that with a pure heart and mind, there is no way that you won't achieve what it is that you truly want.

And you know, too, what I have found is, when you THINK you really want something, and you drum it up, and then say, it shows up, you take a real good look at it, and have a new found objective thought process happening, you look and say.......... OH MY GOD, THANK GOD I CAUGHT MYSELF before I actually embarked on this thing that I thought I wanted. You start seeing the real goods, the ones that aren't colored with pretty colors, perfumes, and dangling accessories, you know, the things your ego wants or your little child that so needs to be coddled or payed attention to. You see the REAL DEAL, and can step back from any situation and access it properly so you don't waste time on being so slap happy about what you think your desires REALLY ARE!

Some toy with you, and maybe they will show up again, so to make sure that it REALLY isn't something that you want to explore, who knows why, but maybe, just maybe if it shows up time and time again, there is something there to find out about you, or your little evolution, or, plainly, you may just want to have a good ol' time and forget the damn psychology behind it all.

I don't know............ I can't close my eyes at this point.

Lifeguards are few and far between these days.

I do, however have someone at times, who drives a pretty good boat, and tugs me along when I need it.

I don't think I am swallowing as much water these days, but who knows when the tide gets high, ya know................ keep all options open.

The view is good for now.

Stay fresh, and grab hold of the ones who see clear, and won't blow smoke up your ashtray.

Grab the ones who are mad about life, and have full experience with Daring to Love.

They, for sure, will have an earful...........certainly that will delight the pants off of you.

Have and awesome day!

I love you,

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