Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Today, as I woke up, I had a huge revelation of how life really plays out.

It was so blatant....so honest.......and real........and...........it actually comforted me to know that I am on the right track, to see life in all of it's moments, to not take things so seriously, and to grab a hold of each moment and KISS IT TO DEATH! No, really...........just love the hell out of each moment, and to embrace it, even if it hurts! WHY? Because life is life, and we're gonna get handed the bad lemons as well as the good lemons, so why not just suck away, and if you get a bad one, just spit it out, and look for the next good lemon, right?

OK, maybe something sweeter, like an apple, say......... how's that?

So, you go to bed at night, and you lye there thinking of your day and what it entailed. It all felt so real, so ........... "this is what is happening!"

It was warm, sunny, you're walking around with no jacket........

This happened, that happened, and feelings are flying all over the place about work, life, relationships, family, friends, you name it, it flies through your brain, ( at least mine anyway), and then you gently go to sleep with the reality of your day.

Ahh, it's morning now.........you wake up, and look out your window, and see that life is one big sheath!

Everything that seemed to "be" just hours before, is now completely covered up by a new day!

Call it "snow", call it what you want!

You literally cannot see anything of what you saw yesterday.

It is a brand new day, and life has sort of "delivered" a new scenario. It isn't sunny, and it isn't warm!

Today has it's own decorative take on life.

What happened to yesterday's scene?

Do we even see it? Feel it?

I don't.

The new day has allowed me to see differently.

Not just because there is snow falling, and so much covering the ground, but because this truly is life at it's best.

We can't be fooled into thinking that what our reality was just moments ago, yet, yesterday, or our past, can possibly be what is in our current reality, right now, in this moment. I mean, it can, if you don't open your eyes to new landscapes.

Life is changing every moment.

From the moment I started writing, life has already changed.

The snow has melted......at least on my deck anyway!

The symbolism is stirring up so much good inside, so much motivation to stay awake, and alive in the very moment that tells me how darn good we have it. How things just aren't what they seem, unless you buy into it without seeing outside of your own scene.

Already the moment has changed. The landscape has changed, and my reality since waking up, is now changing and I am with it............. I am flowing with change!

It takes awhile to catch on, but if I'm diligent enough, I'll catch the wave and ride it hard!

Don't be fooled into thinking that things will not change. You don't have to do much, really. Life will present opportunity, after opportunity for change, and if you are open to it, it will guide you into seeing things in a natural and organic way.

Yesterday was yesterday. Today is opportunity to change, to grow with each moment, and to allow yourself the fluidity to move when life says move.

Take off the straight jackets.............

Life isn't about being constricted!

ENJOY THE SNOW, and what it means to you!

I did!

Love, love, and more love.

Go ahead, call me a hippie!


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