Monday, February 8, 2010

I THINK..........

That if it is possible to be 100% OK with where you are, and embracing all of it's fancy colors, uncertainties, and grey areas, then you have made a huge mark in your evolution!

I think it is always important to keep your dreams alive, and to make sure you are headed that way, at every moment in time, just to be sure that you are not cheating yourself of your own good time that you know you will have, since, of course, it is your dream, that you are drumming up.

It is the in between ground that I think is JUST AS IMPORTANT, to get a good grip of, to make sure you are not waiting for that other thing, or the softer grass on the other side, thinking that IT WILL MAKE YOU HAPPIER.

The truth is, it may.........but where you are is happening for a reason. It really is. Me too! I mean, I could easily say, "OK, enough already", but the soft grass ain't happenin' and so I have to make my own soft grass where the mud is, somehow, right now! I cannot wait!

I want to laugh, to enjoy, and to partake in life as if it is exactly what I want, even though, it may not be, right now.

I check out the simple things in between the rough edges, try to see the beauty in all situations, and if not, check in with someone who will remind me of those sacred little spots that I am skipping over.

No one really had a set formula for living in this life, scott free, easy sailing, and no bruises along the way. If so, they weren't in my click of friends, that is for sure.

I remember as a kid, I would always envy my rich friends who's parents were doctors, lawyers, mothers stayed at home playing tennis, they grew up with Fido the dog, a million games, toys, phones, TVs, clothes, and such...........a new wardrobe before the start of a new school know the type........... and there I was this little ruff and tumble, holes in her jeans (not much has changed, except it is fashionable these days), and we didn't have much, but I was always laughing amongst the crazy stuff that was happening, finding creative ways to stay true to myself, and to make light of all situations. I'd look at my friends who had it so easy, and think, are they really happy? It's funny because they always said they wanted to be like me?? Go figure! The grass that seemed so "green", wasn't actually so "green" for them, for whatever reason!

I know the grass isn't really greener on the other side from tons of my own experiences.

So with that, everyday, I strive to accept life's challenges, losses, and sense of my reality that may or may not be short of what I think is best for me.

It is like doing a thesis on human behavior, studying yourself, how you relate to the world, others, and how to stay so true to yourself, and too, to make sure you know what the SELF is, and if not, mold yourself to what it is that you think you want to be, inside and out.

The psyche is pretty intricate, and this past year has given me so many huge opportunities to look soooo closely at myself, my actions, my words, my ways, and how I relate to the world, my friends, my acquaintances, my "teachers" and family.

It is quite the responsibility to get that microscope out, to be honest enough to look at yourself, and to change things if they need to be changed, or challenge those who think you are something that you are not, or, plainly, just not do anything and dare to be OK with not having to say a word, and letting people think what they want about you.

That is always interesting, and........hard, to be honest with you!

They do think they know you, and you say nothing, and they think, "Yes, I had her pegged".

Sorry to burst your bubble, just don't want to have to explain myself any further.

I don't know how people do it, really?! Either people are unhappy, and can't recognize it, and just assume that they are happy, and do what they know, OR, they march on, being their own individual, and hope that along that path, they will find support for their boldness, and people who will actually get it, or at least support you with somewhat of an understanding and maybe open to a new understanding, but for people to peg you, as "this or that", and not take a step into uncharted territory is amazing to me.

Did I just go off on a short tangent? xoxo

Always keep your dreams alive, stay true to who you are, and ask deeply, that you attract people of like mind, that don't just understand where you are coming from, but LIVE WHAT YOU LIVE, and can share that commonality as a true experience, not one that seems like some pie in the sky.

Individuality is great, and I say, "Always stay true to it, but damn, make sure you have a good ol' parachute for the many falls that come along with it".

It is a ride...............

I will always support any and all creativity, individual choices, no matter what they are, and embrace your every desire, as if it were my own.

People need that.

Lets be there for each other.


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