Saturday, February 27, 2010


It's not only good to feel good in one or two aspects of your world, but when you feel good on the inside AND out, that is when you can jump back and kiss yourself for some hard earned homework that you have allowed to set in and become some solid reality instead of sitting in bed, just thinking about it, or dreaming of this kind of state.

I think my life warrants some star on the forehead, or even just a "Good Job" Gabriela, for some things that have gone on, and really, today, right now, I can say, a lot of things are still going on, (after all, this IS LIFE),but I have made it to a point where I feel great inside, no matter the circumstances, and have beaten down the dragons with some inner sword that has truly become my very best friend.

I really do believe that when things are ready to change, they do, and it takes on a life of it's own, inside.

You can do all of the outer work on yourself like, study, read, meditate, and do all of the great things that are stepping stones to actually just, "being", and "allowing", and living solely by your intuition. But I have come to realize, for myself, that when things are ready to change, there is an innate power, that just moves right on in, and kind of leads the way. Call it what you want! There are many spiritual and intellectual meanings to this kind of way, but to me, it simply is, following the energy that already exists within and knows, without a shadow of a doubt, what needs to happen.


I can pan back on my life in the last year and say, "I knew not to do this or that" in certain situations, and instead, I did what "seemed" right, or what others thought. That was OK, because at the time, my life seemed way too confusing for me to logically or even spiritually figure out what step to take next. That is how clouded things were. You believe that things are out of your control, and really, they just aren't. That is a rough, rough feeling, and hard to see out of that box when you believing it to be so, so real!

I also know that there are things that naturally come to light, maybe after we have gone through the thick of the mud, and we wonder why we took on such crazy body stress, such inner craziness and all of the stuff that comes along with us being off the track of trueness. We then find ourselves onto the track of believing something that we truly just...... ARE NOT!

There are a million ways to make ourselves feel better, and like I said, when we are in the thick of it, who wants to come up with some formula to feel better when we feel so darn beaten down? It seems as if that feeling is just what is happening and it takes everything, I mean everything, to get to a place of comfort and feeling safe. But, but............ coming out on the other end, and too, being in this process, I am coming up with some realistic, and tender ways to communicate JUST HOW, to skip by, at least SOME of these unnecessary roads, to be able to make life a little easier for us, to not believe so much, that the small things that we THINK WE ARE, are, in fact NOT the Truth.

I know this is what books are for, and therapists, and that list goes on, but not everyone has money for a therapist, unless you find one that really goes the extra mile, like I have! And, by all means, I AM NOT...........I REPEAT, I AM NOT.........A THERAPIST........... but, I am just me, who has gone through some things and if I can share some easy road, via this little blog, and if by chance, it seems to help lighten your load, than some good has been done, somewhere out there. Love is a beautiful domino effect. What one gives so freely, allows the next to give, just the same, and so how it should be, at least in my world.

I have no expectations of DOING anything, truly, but it does excite me, especially lately, when I wake up so incredibly grateful for my life, look out and am ecstatic about the day, see the small things and have not lost my sense of innocence. I can smell the air like I have never smelled fresh, crisp air before and am able to feel an inner blast of love that only comes with remembering who the heck this little shit is....( that would be me)...........Than life is good, and I can say, "Right on........right on Gabriela, you have done something good". "You have found a way to dig down into the trenches of your soul to find out who you really are, outside of all of the crap that life can sometimes play out". GOOD FOR YOU!

Acknowledgement of your work is sometimes worth more than everything put together.

If I can actually recognize the road that I traveled, the instances that worked, that didn't work and make some changes and grow with that...........apply the goods that are now really blown up, honestly, so blown up, like looking up into the sky and seeing a plane write my story line in the sky........ than I think that deserves some sort of credence.
Really, it gets that obvious, and yet, I don't want to get too comfortable thinking that I know it so well that I treat it as if it's a done deal.

It's NEVER a done deal to me.

In my opinion, our lessons keep coming back, and back, and back, and we get the chance to see how much we have grown, by how we treat those situations time and time again.

I had a situation recently that came to me, and I literally got to watch the whole scenario, (a big, unsurprising scenario for me) unfold, and seriously, because it has happened SO MUCH FOR ME IN MY LIFE, I gladly, at this point,was able to see it for what it was/is, and am able to make choices, even if they seem kind of hard. I am able to see the road ahead with some clarity, rather than jumping into something that would feel good in the moment, or even months or even years ahead. I got the story line down, and thankfully, I mean, really thankfully, I am saving myself some good quality time that otherwise would have been a trap or illusion to fulfill some sort of emptiness that just wasn't being fulfilled by my own willingness to get to know myself a little more.

OK, if that is getting a bit too Psyche...........delic for ya, I'll stop now, but ..........such is my feeling so wonderful these days. Being able to look in hind site, getting it, and actually applying it to the NOW!


Today is awesome! It's beautiful out, the sailboats are all out, the butterflies are swarming in the yard, my dogs are precious, 70's music playin' in the house, doors wide open and I feel frigin healthy................. I'm off for my walk with the dogs, then to the Symphony with a precious friend! I cannot wait!

That isn't too shabby for a day off......... and for the days ahead when I am working, and laughing to myself that I am finally getting it!

Ain't no stoppin' me!


We have everything we need right here inside. Don't go on any treasure hunts............... it just becomes a game that never ends. Start right where you are..........and don't budge to save your life!!!!

I am so grateful to everyone who has made my life more clear, less heavy, and the ones who have held my hand through some of the toughest times ever!


Enjoy Every Last Second,


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