Sunday, February 28, 2010


It's so funny to see things unfold in natural ways, as opposed to forcing something to happen when, like I have said, "Maybe it's just not ready yet".

Life somehow brings in the things that you need to know, or need to see, when you are ready.

Sometimes it brings it, and you see it, and you turn your head. Yes, this would mean, you are just not ready for that thing.......not yet anyway!

I think we sometimes silently ask for things to happen, or for us to overcome, or to start doing, or stop doing, and when it comes, we forget that was something that we "kind of" asked for.

It could be little things, like changing the way you eat, even if it is healthy. Maybe that healthy thing isn't good for you anymore, and you have to uncover why, and get rid of it.

Our bodies are changing all of the time, and what once worked, and felt great, may not be the case now.

OK, OK, I'll use me as an example.

Yesterday I felt fine as fine could be. It was a great day, beautiful out, I had tons of energy, and wow, read my blog......I FELT GREAT!

I made myself, what I would call a healthy dinner. Plainly baked chicken with some cauliflower and broccoli. Can't get any healthier than that........ I guess if I trimmed the fat more, but c'mon, really....... chicken is chicken, is chicken!

I ate, got dressed and a friend picked me up so we could go to the Symphony together.

Drove downtown, it was gorgeous out. We walked a ways to get to the theatre, and sat inside and WOW, how incredible!!! That would almost have to be a second blog...........The Symphony, that is.

During the show I felt a huge headache come on, and I attributed it to allergies. Who knows in Austin, right?

Well, we leave and I progressively got worse, and the whole way home I felt completely nauseated and actually had to pull over so I could get sick.

I really didn't want to tell you all of those details, but it's the story, what can I tell ya?

I couldn't wait to get in the door to my house, and there it was. The entire night of getting sick and know the feeling when you are getting sick.......... Where's my mommy? haha. You are so uncomfortable and too, I just could not understand what happened.

The only thing I could think of was the food I had eaten.

I know it is true that 99.9 % of how we feel is from what we are ingesting. It can get very detailed, (interesting for me) , since I have always been into nutrition and how the body functions.

So, this morning, although it doesn't seem to be completely out of my system, whatever it is, has made me realize, that there is more to fine tune with my body. Yes, it could have been bad chicken, or bad cauliflower, hahaha that seems funny, and I am being sarcastic about that, but the truth is.............YOUR BODY DOES KNOW.

Just like our intuition about people, places, energy and decision making, our bodies are so incredibly intuitive, and these days, my intuition is my best friend, so.............. I get to look at how else I can fine tune this little thing, so that it runs pretty good. Not just pretty good, but excellent. I have a long way to go for that since I like to indulge here and there. I love food, what can I say?

There was a time when I was so diligent and made no bones about the good and the bad for the body. I was on it like no bodies business. But, I have to say, it was somewhat boring, and it curtailed a lot of my social activities.

Hay wanna have brunch? "Uh,no thanks, I'm making my Buckwheat Pancakes with Flax oil and cinnamon".

Hay, wanna go to dinner? "Uh, maybe another time, I'm making Tofurkey".

Hay, wanna celebrate the New Year, bring it in with a nice glass of Champagne?

"Uhhh, sure, but, uh.......I'll be right back, I'll go get my Martinelli's Sparkling cider".

NOT............. where I am headed these days.

There is that middle way knocking at my door again.

I want to listen to what my body, mind and soul tell me, and use it to my best ability.........make my life conducive and happy..............not climbing up this arduous path to "enlightenment", with a block of Tofu under my arms.

I'll take my lasagna thanks............and yes, that would be with some good sausage too!

So, maybe no chicken. I'll try turkey today. Who knows?!

I'm being funny but serious too.

Listen to what your body says. It doesn't lie.

And, like I said, it doesn't have to be quitting Cheetos's or Oreos. It could be that your very favorite healthy food or snack is making you feel like you just ran a marathon, or NOT!

OK, one more quick story and I have to B line it to my favorite Italian Restaurant.

When I lived in LA, I was at the epitome of healthy. Worked out 2 hours a day, ate impeccably and had the energy of a 12 year old.

I ate all whole grains, vegetables, fruits,no dairy, and no processed foods whatsoever.

I ate mostly whole wheat everything, oats, oh, you name the grain, it was in my cabinet. (couldn't bring myself to say cupboard).

Well, long story short, I couldn't sleep at night I had soooooooo much energy. I thought, WOW, THIS IS GREAT! Some people would kill to have this kind of energy.

Well, come to find out, after a short walk one morning on Sunset Blvd, I ran into a woman who was walking her dog, (so much for long story short), we wound up talking about allergies and such. She wound up telling me how incredibly allergic she was to Whole Wheat.

She went on to tell me all of the side affects that whole wheat has on the body, and man, wouldn't you know it, I had every darn symptom there was.

I didn't have energy. That was called rapid heart palpitations from something that my body just did not want, along with skin allergies, bumps all over, that I said was from heat rash. Bloated stomach that I thought was from eating too many veggies. No this would be ALLERGIC REACTIONS.

A little Angel came my way for some further digging into my body and it's own wellness.

I caught it.

Look for the signs, whether it be your own body telling you something, a person saying something that you may just need to hear, or a physical sign somewhere, that speaks to you.


Gotta run.............

More tomorrow.

Mucho love,
as always.


1 comment:

  1. OMG... so crazy funny to open up your blog to THIS of all things right now. Today I went to lunch with a friend and had a beer, a burger and onion rings. That's food other people eat all the time, right? Well, it's not that I don't know my body has gotten incredibly sensitive over the last few years... I even said - I hope I don't hurt myself... It was the very oily onion rings that pushed me over the edge I'm sure but by the time I got home my heart was pounding, I was nauseous and I was getting cramps in my feet! Ugh! To top it off I've been in bed for hours and had planned on working on art projects all night. I did this to myself. I know better. Yet I always think - it won't be that bad. Sure when it's 4 glasses of wine and a rich butter sauce, but this was just one beer and 3 onion rings! But I know better and I didn't listen. And I suffer the consequence!

    The only good thing in all this is that it reminds me to LISTEN because I KNOW. I know what I need and what will/won't feel good. And that goes for every aspect of my life.
