Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mind over Matter what I used to think. Until one day I found myself with a lot of " matter", and said, I don't know if my mind can hurdle this one! When I was little, my brother Jimmy and I would sit on my bed and do these little things like, scratch ourselves until it hurt, because we both thought, hay, mind over matter, and the more we scratched, and thought, well, this SHOULD hurt, the more we sort of trained our minds to realize, well, it really doesn't if you just focus. Well our arms would be scratched up, but we would laugh and go, wow, that was very cool, and then find other things that we could overcome with our minds. I have trained my mind to do that in a lot of ways, and it is great, but sometimes, it can be a cop out. To avoid feeling things. It is easy to say, yea, that happened, and so lets go on, mind over matter. But the truth is, that thing, DID HAPPEN, and yes, you can see the "matter" and move on, but these days, I would like to process the "matter", and see what the heck it is. I really don't feel like skipping over any details at this point. The more details, the better. The more I get to know myself better, and the more I can truly get to the root of ANY matter. If I skip over any detail, I think I fool myself into believing that I really did take care of that "matter", or Wow, I really did see the Truth in that, or the beauty in that, whatever the case. I think the mind is a great tool, and can be used in the most intellegent ways, but I know too, that if you stick too close to it, it will make you "buy things you would never have thought of buying before."

I Will Never Question .......again....

....whether or not there are angels in our lives.

They show up as the least possible choice, at least one that we wouldn't "choose", and then you watch the glorious process of how perfect things happen and are put into our lives for a reason.

Sometimes you feel like you are carried, and some times it feels like you are in a pit of quicksand.

Well, while feeling like I was in quick sand, 4 amazing angels showed up, not even for me, but doing something else for someone.....and...... so the long story goes of God's incredible orchestration.

I will expound on this more, but for tonight, just know, wherever you are, whatever you are experiencing, look around. You may not even notice an angel if you tripped over one, because we are so caught up in the whirlwind of our lives, we miss out.

I think tonight, I was too tired to think too much, and wow, another whole story there......What a novel idea........PRACTICE NON THINKING.

I'll go to bed with that thought, and the sheer gratitude for the workings of our Beloved Universe.

Thank you all for being such bright lights in my world, and for making me smile, and laugh throughout my days.

And thank you for the precious ones who make me feel safe, in an otherwise crazy, crazy world.

You have my heart.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

I Never Know........

Ya know, I never really know what it is that I am going to write every night that I sit here.

I wind down from my day, my dogs all sit beside me and I just look around for awhile, checking my surroundings out. Sifting through my thoughts, where I am at, what I took from my day, what I learned, how I laughed, who I came in contact with, who's smile or comments stuck with me.......all of it.

I could literally stay busy every moment of every day, and tell myself that I am not tired, but I have learned to turn OFF the switch, to give myself the time I need for me.
And this time, writing, is so sacred, so incredibly special to me.

It allows me to be real. Smile if I want to smile, cry if I want to cry, laugh, get mad, reflect, forgive, learn, grow, cherish, be grateful, start over, make peace, undo, practice, talk, listen, pray, meditate, question, and most importantly, LOVE. I get to love from places I never knew I could love. In ways I had no idea. Because love doesn't have a name or label for me. It comes out when it comes out, naturally. Not because it is my brother, or sister, or best friend.

Because if I am at a store, and for some reason, love beckons me, and I find myself in contact with a "STRANGER", and the smaller part of me says", Why are you giving this person so much of you time"?, I know, then, that there IS A SEPARATION between me and IT.

IT being the well inside, the source that knows no boundaries for love.

It is a very innocent place to be, but in today's world, I'm afraid, that innocence gets tainted. Tainted by people's view of love, and what they perceive that to be.
I could be in the most innocent and sacred place, and have no control over how he or she is taking my innocence.

It has been a fine line my whole life, and it also has been one of the most sad things for me. The idea that your views are misunderstood, is a huge bummer, for lack of better words.

But.....I say, GO ON LOVING....... IF.... (key word... IF...), you can separate yourself from an expectation that that same love, that innocent love, will be returned to you.
It may not! It may!

Can you not care if that love is returned or not?

It is a HUGE checking in, with yourself!

LOVE TO LOVE, not to expect someone to be something for you, or to give you the love you think you deserve.

Enjoy the feeling of giving, without receiving.

You may think you already do that.

Don't be so quick to think we've aced that one. It slips in there and fools ya sometimes.

It's OK. We are on a learning ground.

That one ain't easy my friends. It gets subtle, trust me.

But, do what you do naturally, and it will all get worked out.

God knows the purity of your intentions. The rest is all "correcting the homework".

You get two wrong, you study a bit to ace the test. You take it again, and you get one wrong.

Lucky enough, we have our whole lives to take the test over and over and over again, until we ace the test.

Hopefully, we stay interested enough, to want to make the grade!


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Four Score and How Many Years Ago?

OK, so the reality is....... I am getting older! I don't even consider age, really, until my sister, jokingly prepares me for the next phase in my life. "Oh, wait till you hit..... say 35, or 40, or whatever age it is. I always laugh and say, DONNNNNTTTT DO THAT! We laugh, but truly, I think to myself, I don't want to have an idea about what is supposed to happen at what age. I do what I do, whatever that is, and if I can still bend, I'm good right? I still climb trees, I still skip down the road, I still sing out loud, and, yes, yesterday, is sat and blew bubbles with my dogs. They have peanut butter bubbles for dogs, FYI.

Four score and how many years ago, did we let ourselves wake up, alarm clock-less, jump out of bed and go see what cereal we had in the cabinet? Look outside to see if it was sunny, rainy, snowing or windy? Oh, and uh, not care! Truly, not care, because we were just happy to get up and see that there was a day before us.

Four score, I don't remember waking up to I-tunes programed to my speaker system, and grabbing my cell phone, before my eyes were even open, to see if I had any text messages, then to listen to my voice mails, and oh, real quick let me check my emails, but why go over to the computer when I can just do that right here at this one stop shop, in bed, my IPHONE.... Oh look, I have 92 emails.......let me answer them real quick and I might as well snap a picture of Fido lying here on the bed too, since Sally hasn't seen him yet, send that, then hurry downstairs because my latte should be done already. I programmed it for 10. Shoot, I'm late, oh god, someone is texting, where is my blue tooth, I can't drive without that...........

Four score.......... I woke up and smelled the Clorox sheets that Gramma hung out on the clothes line, at 6 am, after sitting in her rocking chair, in her room for an hour, quietly, doing her rosary. I would peek in there and just be in awe. She never knew I saw. It was the highlight of my day, although with her, there were a multitude of highlights. That just happened to be one of my favorites.
I'd sneak back into my room because I knew she would come in afterward and gently try to wake me up........I knew she would stare at me while I was sleeping, and I loved that. She was like an angel looking down on me. It felt awesome then, and thinking about it, gives me the same feeling.

We'd go downstairs and there on the table was corn flakes, a banana, hot instant Sanka, and Jewish rye bread and butter with homemade marmalade. A glass of milk, and her, next to me, just quiet.
The back door open, of course, because why wouldn't we spend the morning listening to the birds? Birds were our favorite, and she would just sit there while I ate, and listen intently to them, and what song they were singing because she would emulate it, and they would answer back to her. SHEER INTELLIGENCE TO ME THEN, AND SHEER INTELLIGENCE TO ME NOW.

Breakfast crumbs went to the driveway so the birds could dip it in the water and give to their young, and the rest to compost for the worms that we would go fishing with.

Everything was used, sour milk for sourdough bread, you name it.

Four score........LIFE WAS GRAND!

There actually was an intention to LISTEN to life, as it was, not as we created it, AS IT WAS. An intention to SEE LIFE, and what it had offered us, to FEEL IT, to get our hands in Mother earth and to actually feel what we walk on, what supports us daily..........TO SMELL........... the driveway garnished with Rose 'a Sharon......... sweet, sweet smells of flowers, the fresh cut grass with a push mower, no motor, no smelly stuff........

smell the rain............

and then maybe go for a walk later, get an ice-cream, tell some stories, come home, take a nap, wake up, cook together, check in on the news for an update, and spend time again...........quiet, acknowledging one another, actually seeing the person in front of you, without a cell phone, without a blue tooth on, without the stereo, the TV, the computer............. just quiet, and soul connecting.

Four Score and How Many Years Ago was that?

I don't care what the rest of the world is doing, or what I have learned along the way. What I do know is that as much as I/we have learned........... we can unlearn too! Let's get back to basics, simple stuff, that feeds our souls, and really connects us "wireless".
You'll "google" yourself outside of the "earth", but no map will be found. And no one to trace it. I promise you that!

Put down the gadgets, put your sneakers on, put your headsets down, go smell the rain tonight.!!

Look up, you'll be surprised what you might see, or not see.

I have a secret for you.

It isn't old fashioned to get to know yourself!!!

Whatever You Want........

.....whatever you want,
to hold close,
to you,
Hold now!

Feel IT,
Feel THEM,
whatever it is
whoever it is.

Even if they,
or IT,
is not there,
be with them
heart and soul!

Give your soul
to loving the very thing
that is occupying your mind.

Release the outcome,
or any expectation,
and spill out all love
and affection you have
for that one thing.

I think in life,
that even if we don't have
what we want
in every moment,
we can practice loving
from a place that loves
no matter what,
for the pure sake of loving,
without a want in return.

to me,
that is ecstacy!


Go for loving without condition.

Just pour yourself into abandonment.
Abandon any idea of how to love,
when to love,
and who to love.



I promise you. I promise you.

Venture out. Love the stranger,
like you love your own,

and your heart will expand in length.

It will be inexpressible.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Too Often....

"we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment,, or the smallest act of caring.

All of which have the potential to turn a life around."

Don't miss out on the goods!

Short and Sweet


Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Ocean Speaks Volumes

The wind tonight sounds like the ocean's waves.

There probably isn't much else, aside from running water in a stream, that sounds so incredibly soothing to my soul.

When I was in Cabo San Lucas, I would go out every night and sit on those huge rocks, and just listen to the waves, watch then crash, and literally, get so mesmorized that I had forgotten where I was.

The ocean does something to me. The enormity, the vast, vast questionable sea of waves and underground world, beyond our imagination, just baffles me!

How? How did this all happen, and how incredibly fortunate are we, to be able to visit such sacred ground?

The ocean is one place I have always thought I would end up living on. Just me and my chair, sitting down by the shore of peace, watching life ebb and flow, and smirking, with a quiet understanding of it all.

It really is a secret language, that if quiet enough, you will hear story after story, of time passed and time to come.

You truly understand the meaning of it all, and nothing matters anymore. Not any circumstance, not any trial or tribulation.

What matters is that you have actually gotten it. And really, you aren't even attached to THAT.
You just sit there and revel in your inner treasure, and what will be, will be. Whatever ground that may cover.

There is a silent laughter that becomes so LOUD, if that makes sense.

You dip into a resevoir of innocence that only allows you to emanate itself. It directs your course so lovingly and softly, and you cannot help but to ooze that purity.

It is so contagious. I don't think there is one person that would pass up the recognition of such

The next time you set sail for a weekend trip, or vacation, give yourself time, alone, even if it is just for a stolen moment, and go sit by the water. Watch those waves crash, and let them tell you a story.... about yourself. Don't even comment in your head," That cannot happen". IT WILL.

Don't ever try to understand the workings of it. That IS the treasure! If you don't try to understand it, IT WILL transform you, and, in time, you WILL get it, without trying.

Did I just say that?

I will go to bed with my own parable, teaching me, exactly what I needed to hear.

Goodnight and much love always.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

There is Never a Right Time.........

I don't think there is ever a "right" time for anything. I think everything happens the way it should, when it is supposed to.

It wasn't the right time for my mother to pass, it wasn't the right time for me to move, it wasn't the right time for me to get in an accident after I had trained one whole year for a bodybuilding show .......not the right this, not the right that. But, if I can be honest, in retrospect, I can see that these things happened so perfectly for my evolvement as a soul, yearning for understanding, and to reach a plateau that would enable me to find that place of peace, and too, inspiration, to move forward, and build upon an incredible foundation of a Truth that had already existed.

I am learning to go with the flow of life. It doesn't mean I cannot plan things, or even visualize future events. In fact, I think that is the only way, really, that we will attract what we want, is to keep it alive in our minds, nurturing every detail, making it as big and bright, and colorful, and exciting as we can, so it keeps us motivated and inspired, and too, keeps it real for us.


Gently put it out there. SEE IT, FEEL IT, TASTE IT, and even HEAR every nuance about it. See where you are, the environment that you are in, who is in your world, where you are, even how you look physically. Get down to the nitty gritty and map all of it out, because IT WILL HAPPEN!!

But......... this is a long journey, so we aren't really going to be 100% sure WHEN all of this will take place, but I will tell you this.......... "Someone" out "there" has heard your cries, your wants, your desires, and the purity in which your heart and soul has delivered the message.

You may be talking to your animals, sharing your private secrets about your personal journey, you may be lying in a hammock, staring at the sky, seeing the stars at night, wishing upon them. You may be talking to your therapist, a friend, your spouse............ lightly, or deeply, about all of those things and more........... THAT, is "putting it out there". THAT, is delivering a message. Your own personal message as to how you are directing your life, painting on your canvas.

You are being heard!!!!

I know for me, I have been desiring the same thing since I was a little girl, and how I have actually seen it, has not come to fruition YET, and it is ok. My canvas has allowed me to paint on it, with that desire there, but it has not formed the WHOLE picture yet. It has given me corners to test different colors, and scenes, but it has not formed the entire vision. It has been a very large painting that is just not finished yet.

When is the right time?

I don't have that answer. But what I do know, is that when the time is right, it will be delivered to my door with tons of bows and ribbons, and I will know, in that moment, that there was a reason for not having exactly what I wanted WHEN I wanted it, and it will have allowed me to see, so clearly, how, in retrospect, all things DO happen for a reason, and probably the anxiety and pain I, or you, put ourselves through was just all part of the ride, for different reasons, for your growth, for my growth..... but more than likely, unecessary. Truly, we could've just sat back and enjoyed the ride from a really cool objective place.

That is my goal. To just enjoy this journey, without so much fret, and to see that no matter what situation I see myself in, it is there to teach me something, and IS PART OF THE THING THAT I REALLY DID ASK FOR, it just didn't show up in the package I thought was going to be delivered.

Good person, bad person, good job, sucky job, money, no money, house, no house............

Even if we take one gem out of where we are now, in this moment, I think we will have done a good deed for our souls, our sweet innocent souls that just want us to relax, and have fun, and to keep throwing it some good tasting "bones" every once in awhile.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

When Nothing Seems to be going Right..........'s time to get quiet. Check in to see what is happening. Even if the information is overloaded, too much to handle, or just off kilter for where you want to be. Just, get quiet.

Usually when I give myself that time to get quiet, all of the scenarios just fade into the backround, and all I am left with is me, the quietude, and what it is revealing to me in that moment.

If I give myself a long enough period of time, MANY things fade, and what is left is a bare soul, being objective to the person that thinks all of these things are happening to.

It knows none of it is real, in the bigger scheme, but allows "me" to go through it, to see it from a human perspective, so that I can evolve, and blossom into the infinite soul that I am.

It takes perserverance, diligence, and a passion to know the Truth that beckons itself back, to regain an understanding of who we are, and what we are NOT.

It is not easy seperating the two for long periods of time, unless we ar quiet, and reveling in the question of it all.

I believe we can all get to where we are going, eventually.

Our lives attract what we want, even on an subconscious level.

We ask, even in light, table talk, what it is that we want.

It usually gets answered.

Don't negate any kind of talk that speaks with clues.

Hop on that pony for a ride, and see how beautiful the scenery.

Talk can be cheap, but it can also be exquisite taste, if only 2 words spoken.............

two or three..........

the rest is the unspoken language, doing it's very best to remain aloof, and unaware of it's granduer.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Wings to Fly

Just when the caterpillar
thought the world was over,
it became a butterfly~

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Tonight I just have one word...........


Trust that everything will be ok, and that things will work out, no matter what is going on in your life!

I PROMISE YOU THAT. I promise that to myself as well.

Let go................


Saturday, March 14, 2009

If I had the would be.......


Soft language, soft touch, soft communication, soft exchanges with people, soft, soft, soft...........


Aren't things so incredible when they are soft?

Think about it?

Think of everything soft. You will more than likely be attracted to it. It soothes you in ways that you may not even be aware of.

Maybe you are in a loud environement all day and when you get home, you listen to soft music.

Maybe your own inner voice is so loud, that you need someone to be soft to show you that YOU TOO, ARE SOFT, and you just needed a reminder of that softeness.

Maybe you like soft tastes, nothing "loud". Like mild cheese, and subtle wine. Again, soft.

Check in all corners of your life. Where is it hard, and not soft?

I know, I like soft, EVERYTHING, with a hint of BOLD every once in awhile.

Soft is the name of the game. Check in with yourself. Are YOU being soft? Do you prefer soft? If not how come?

Soft is so nice, it soothes, even if you think you don't need to be soothed.

Everyone needs that softness.

Check it out.

It is a beautiful thing.

Really, it is!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Don't Lose Your Mojo

How is it that life can present certain circumstances that make you feel less than optimal?
How is it that life isn't "fair" sometimes?
How is it that the good energy we once had, is gone?

What is that? Where did our once, fiesty, energetic mojo go? ( I use the word fiesty a lot don't I?), hee.

Where have our "old" original selves gone? It's in there, trust me. From the age of 7, we pretty much have molded who we are and who we want to be. We do get side tracked, but if you do think back to that age, you could probably see some remnants of what you are doing today. Things you thought about, things you gravitated towards, hobbies......all of it.

You had Mojo back then, thinking about it, and it is still there.

Where are we headed?

Who cares what is happening right now, in this very moment. Who cares if you are tired, who cares if you are bored, who cares if you don't even know what the heck you want to do when you gow up, even at the ripe ages of 50, or 40 or whatever. WHO CARES? Who said there was a time limit on goals, and when to get them, and when to change them?

That is what I love about this little life. You can do whatever the heck you want! Really, you can, unless you want to streak throughout the streets yelling wildly. And even that, you might get smacked on the least you had fun doing it, right? Ut oh, I see some eyes rolling on that one........

If you don't have an idea of where you are going, career wise, or relationship wise, or even where the heck you are going to live tomorrow, throw your hands up in the air, and celebrate THIS MOMENT.

I am. And you'd laugh if I told you about my life! WHO CARES?

We all have our own unique stories. Make it light. Make it light, and move on!

As Roseanna Roseanna Danna said, "If it's not one thing, It's the other!"

Today, it will be your boss, tomorrow your hair will look frizzy and you'll feel ugly, you might look in the mirror and say ......" WHAT THE HELL HAVE I DONE, I USED TO LOOK SO GOOD?" I need to clean up my diet.

Ok already! We know the facts, NOW, WHAT TO DO?

Listen, I have to draw on my own enthusiam, cuz ain't no one roun' telling me all the hard core truths I need to hear, and the fact is, IDO ALREADY KNOW THEM! I just have to implement them.

So.......... back to good ol' MOJO.

Today, or first thing tomorrow, let's all get some mojo.

You pick your thing, I'll pick mine.

You don't have to confess to anyone, just silently pick your own FIRST STEP, towards one thing that will amp up your mojo. ( and that would not mean, one more espresso ok?)

What will ignite you today? Without thinking too, too much, just go ahead and DO IT! Don't think about it. You'll know the one thing that you want to start with, so just go ahead and plan on ........ leaving the hamburger for the kids, leave the couch and remote for the dogs, and quit thinking about how you so WANT TO DO THIS AND THAT, and just get your little butt up and do it.


I'm here listening too! I actually already started mine, and I feel awesome, amongst life's challenges today.

Hint for mine? Empty living room, great 70's music, cowboy hat, jeans and tank top, dancing my cares away.

WWWWWHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOO CAAAAAAAARREEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS, all the thoughts will be there anyway, so you might as well get up and do whach your gonna do, and have fun in the midst of it all.


Love you guys,
Huge support and love from the bottom of my heart,

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Freedom of Speech





ward off



Tuesday, March 10, 2009

When There is Gratitude.......

There is no need for a face lift.

Don't pay a bunch of money to make yourself look young and happy.


Even in the most daunting hours, there is a gratitude for love, for circumstance, and for the willingness to look at things a bit different.

Even if that circumstance looks bleek.......... there is a reason for it and without a doubt there will be growth of some sort, and you will walk away changed, are willing to be humble.

That is how I feel tonight.

Very humble,

Monday, March 9, 2009

How Can We Stay at Peace When.............

How can we possibly find peace in our lives when everywhere you turn there is chaos?

Everyone has their own story of what chaos means. It could be work related, relationship related, family related, personal, medical, and the list goes on.

What happens when it really is one thing after the other? Is the solution any different than if it were just one thing every so often?

Isn't it the same peace we still have to find?

I am finding that no matter what the situation, the same basic rules apply. Except when the heat gets turned up, you may have to take those few extra breaths or have loving, supportive friends, remind you of what is real, more often than not, so you can come back to a truthful and peaceful center.

No one said this journey would be easy. But I do know one thing for sure.

I never know the bigger plan, and sometimes that is a good thing, because how the Universe has it planned turns out much better than I would have designed it anyway.

All things happen in a very specific way for our growth, and even if it seems like it isn't, it REALLY IS! The twists and turns seem just as.......twists and turns, but really it is perfectly orchestrated for us, and whatever it is that we need in that moment.

I am going to take myself off the hook right now of thinking I need to be in control of every last thing in my life, and let go a bit, and let God do his magic. I'll take every step I need to take in the right direction, but there is a time and place to say, I can let go now, and watch how incredibly things unfold, because we took that risk.

Hurray for risk takers, and hurray for the ones who stand their ground and watch how you actually do get "rewarded" for staying true to you being.

I am all for supporting love and peace! And, I am all for supporting anyone who is on that same train ride.

I'm not going anywhere......... don't you either...........stay on that train, no matter how hard it seems.

You will be taken care of in the most incredible ways.

I promise!

Friday, March 6, 2009


There is a sacred self in all of us.

It is one that doesn't "have" to show it self anywhere if it doesn't want to. You are alone with YOU, seperate from what you "do", or how people percieve "you".

You can fall back on to the You, the one that is not judged, not compared, not labeled, or put into a box of just who you "might be", in a thousand others eyes.

There is a relaxing into that. Such a comfort, that I don't think we know that we actually have the choice to BE THAT, wherever we go.

It is easier said than done, to walk that Truth. To actually stay connected to that part of you who doesn't care what people think, who doesn't want someone, to see "you" in a different light, or to see you as "something", even. It could be a good housewife, a valid one, not lazy, but hay, I AM A HOUSEWIFE AND THIS IS HARD....... or, I am your equal, not anything more, or less......
I am an open being, whether it be I do this or that, I am simply just "open". Whatever it is.........

What does it matter to people? I don't think people really realize how much they care about the outside commentaries. They may quickly say, "No, I don't really care, they can say what they want", but the Truth is, WE ALL DO TO SOME EXTENT!

People can be harsh!

Why then, do we judge? WE DON'T WANT TO BE JUDGED RIGHT? So,why?

Who cares about your race? Your religion, your preferences, your job title, your "status" in life?

Mind your business and acknowledge the beauty in your friend, or collegue, family member, or significant other. Passerbyes, for god's sake.


We are not old school anymore.

We have had enough judgement for eons, why don't we start painting a different picture, at least for the sake of the next generation, so that maybe we can make an imprint on down the line.

Who is going to set this precedence?

Are you judging someone for their job? Their race? Their preference?


You are you. And they, are they. Both have the same hearts that beat, the same blood flow coarsing through their veins............. same anatomy..........

Go figure!

It's not a huge math equation.


Just love.

Can I say it again?



Thursday, March 5, 2009

Gambling For Love

I never considered myself a gambler. I never thought it was worth it to put some money down, that generally, I really didn't have, to see if MAYBE, I would win, when the stakes were so high. Maybe I'd throw down a little, on black jack or something, or throw some quarters in the slots, but that was just to have fun on coins, or a 10 or something. No big loss ya know?

Today, as I write, I find myself the biggest gambler I know.

Gambler for LOVE. Love that doesn't have to be with a person.

Love that exists in you, as dreams, as your soul, as your higher self, whatever you want to call it.

That love is so veryyyyyyyyyyyy risky!

It is not something we all do everyday. After all, you don't see anyone taking a cruise on the Gamble for Love Ship......... it is usually about singles, or bathing suits and ...........gambling.......... money gambling.

Taking a risk on love is a very precarious gamble.

Some say there is an art to it, a very thought out process, something to ponder over, and use a bit of skill..............

I can say that with my gambling record, I better go back to art school. Gambling is tough to ace.

I guess it's kind of like cooking to me. There's a recipe, but I never follow it, I just get the main ingredients, put them in the pot, and throw in what I think will taste good, and hopefully, all will pan out, and there will be a good meal to come of it.

Throw in what you think will taste good. Consider the recipe, but cook intuitively. More times than not, you will come out with a much better pot of stew.

If along the way, you taste it, and it seems that you made a bad call...... you threw in the wrong ingredients, than all you have to do, is ad something that will flavor it better. Or, maybe that recipe was bad all together. Make a new one. It's not like we don't have all the ingredients.

It will always be a gamble to put out there, what you really want. After all, we don't have any reassurance that there will be a great return.

I say, "throw caution to the wind", and gamble everything for love. What do you have to lose ? Not your paycheck, not your house, not anything............ Gamble knowing that you have just as good a chance to win as you do to lose........ but with a bit of always seem to win.

And the good thing is............. you don't even have to go to the corner store to buy it. No two dollar lotto scratch off.

What is it that you want to gamble for? A career? Peace? Freedom? The Right to Choose? Make your list.

Let's just do ourselves one favor........... let's figure out what we want, before we throw the dice!


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Single Minded

I love having an empty canvas to "draw on". A nice clean slate that will allow me the freedom to paint whatever picture it is that I want to create. Thank God, I use pencil, because no sooner do I create one picture, the next moment I am creating another. I don't want to get in the habit of erasing too much. It is better when I paint a clear and concise picture, that way, the detail sticks out, and the picture is obvious, there are no questions as to, what the picture is, or how it is being set up, and so on. I have fun on my canvas. Dreams come true there. I paint in all kinds of colors, bringing it to such life, that it speaks to me, as if it is already there. GET CREATIVE. WHAT IS IT THAT YOU WANT ON YOUR CANVAS OF LIFE? IS IT LOVE? IS IT CAREER? IS IT SIMPLICITY? GO FOR IT! PAINT AWAY! Mine is simple, yet as I sit here and think, I remember how I love and pay attention to detail. So, naturally, I detail my canvas. There are so many things that I deserve, and have fun with, and want to paint, all day long, what those things are. So, for n ow, I will paint only what comes to mind, and then I will go back and fill in the blanks, and add the color. At least for now, get out your crayons, start paining, the incredible portrait of your life, and dont compromise color, or shade. Draw the best you can, and believe that the painting will be SOLD.

Monday, March 2, 2009


....the world had as much belief,
as it did

we'd be on top of our game.

We'd never be at a loss,
not with anything!


Sunday, March 1, 2009

When Your Body Speaks..........


If there is something going on with your body, listen to it.
Don't just push through it and guess what it is.

There is probably a very good reason why it is doing what it is doing, whether it be a back pain, a headache, a cold, the flu......... it doesn't matter.

Listen to it.

Are you too stressed? Are you paying enough attention to your body, or are you neglecting it?

Are you eating well? Is there a balance or does there need to be one?

I know for me, that if my body is going through something, I can label it anything I want, but the truth to the matter is, there is always an underlying current or reason.

I know what mine is............ do you?

Why does your back hurt?

Why are you tired?

Are you feeding your body good foods? Energizing foods? Or depleting foods?

I am not a diet fanatic, but I do know, that what I ingest, will ALWAYS dictate how I will feel, even 5 minutes from the time I eat it, and also, how I look.

It is a huge balancing act, but only you know, how you feel, with what you eat, how much you sleep, and how much attention you pay to YOURSELF.

You fall, you get back up, you're good for awhile, then you crash again............ it's going to happen, just know, you can always get back up again, and again, and again.

Don't beat yourself up.........just gently remind yourself how you like to feel, and try your best to adhere to something that works for you, and that makes you feel at your optimum.

I'm not saying forfit your favorite food or drink, just balance............... balance............. try.......

And remember, falling is not failing! It just means, you get another opportunity to try again.

There is no right or wrong, just what feels good to you, and only you know what that is.

Yea for support................ no worries............... no worries................ just do your best.
