Thursday, March 5, 2009

Gambling For Love

I never considered myself a gambler. I never thought it was worth it to put some money down, that generally, I really didn't have, to see if MAYBE, I would win, when the stakes were so high. Maybe I'd throw down a little, on black jack or something, or throw some quarters in the slots, but that was just to have fun on coins, or a 10 or something. No big loss ya know?

Today, as I write, I find myself the biggest gambler I know.

Gambler for LOVE. Love that doesn't have to be with a person.

Love that exists in you, as dreams, as your soul, as your higher self, whatever you want to call it.

That love is so veryyyyyyyyyyyy risky!

It is not something we all do everyday. After all, you don't see anyone taking a cruise on the Gamble for Love Ship......... it is usually about singles, or bathing suits and ...........gambling.......... money gambling.

Taking a risk on love is a very precarious gamble.

Some say there is an art to it, a very thought out process, something to ponder over, and use a bit of skill..............

I can say that with my gambling record, I better go back to art school. Gambling is tough to ace.

I guess it's kind of like cooking to me. There's a recipe, but I never follow it, I just get the main ingredients, put them in the pot, and throw in what I think will taste good, and hopefully, all will pan out, and there will be a good meal to come of it.

Throw in what you think will taste good. Consider the recipe, but cook intuitively. More times than not, you will come out with a much better pot of stew.

If along the way, you taste it, and it seems that you made a bad call...... you threw in the wrong ingredients, than all you have to do, is ad something that will flavor it better. Or, maybe that recipe was bad all together. Make a new one. It's not like we don't have all the ingredients.

It will always be a gamble to put out there, what you really want. After all, we don't have any reassurance that there will be a great return.

I say, "throw caution to the wind", and gamble everything for love. What do you have to lose ? Not your paycheck, not your house, not anything............ Gamble knowing that you have just as good a chance to win as you do to lose........ but with a bit of always seem to win.

And the good thing is............. you don't even have to go to the corner store to buy it. No two dollar lotto scratch off.

What is it that you want to gamble for? A career? Peace? Freedom? The Right to Choose? Make your list.

Let's just do ourselves one favor........... let's figure out what we want, before we throw the dice!


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