Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mind over Matter what I used to think. Until one day I found myself with a lot of " matter", and said, I don't know if my mind can hurdle this one! When I was little, my brother Jimmy and I would sit on my bed and do these little things like, scratch ourselves until it hurt, because we both thought, hay, mind over matter, and the more we scratched, and thought, well, this SHOULD hurt, the more we sort of trained our minds to realize, well, it really doesn't if you just focus. Well our arms would be scratched up, but we would laugh and go, wow, that was very cool, and then find other things that we could overcome with our minds. I have trained my mind to do that in a lot of ways, and it is great, but sometimes, it can be a cop out. To avoid feeling things. It is easy to say, yea, that happened, and so lets go on, mind over matter. But the truth is, that thing, DID HAPPEN, and yes, you can see the "matter" and move on, but these days, I would like to process the "matter", and see what the heck it is. I really don't feel like skipping over any details at this point. The more details, the better. The more I get to know myself better, and the more I can truly get to the root of ANY matter. If I skip over any detail, I think I fool myself into believing that I really did take care of that "matter", or Wow, I really did see the Truth in that, or the beauty in that, whatever the case. I think the mind is a great tool, and can be used in the most intellegent ways, but I know too, that if you stick too close to it, it will make you "buy things you would never have thought of buying before."

1 comment:

  1. OMG...hahaaa!!! Isn't it funny how a little game of "planting the rose garden" turned a 12 and 14 year old into yogina and yogini!! 3~; (OM) ROFL!! "First you rake the soil real hard, then pinch out all the stones, then the heavy rains, then you poke the seeds in- one by one, and rake it again, and smack it hard with sunshine, and ooooh, here's your red little rose garden!!"

    I can't believe you remember how we asserted such self-restraint, and self-discipline, and our faces hurt more from laughing at the pain, while we cried from laughing so intensely!!! It's sooo freakin' funny, how each one of us would breathe and focus, just like you said, and would just play one arm, then the other, and back again.... what were we thinking!!!! LMAO!!!

    Well, the fact is, even after we endured to the end, we always looked at our arms for the rest of the day, and realized what to do to heal the scars when the trial was over :-D... I don't know if you knew that I had a bottle of Vitamin E oil that I bought with money from cutting lawns, or shoveling snow, or vacuuming some little old lady's carpet, but I'm sure you had "Pond's Cold Creme" or something, maybe J&J's baby oil!!

    We all have this incredible focus to make it through the fire, and apply the salve when the "PHOENIX HAS LANDED". Mom taught us well, and we are "Fire-walkers"! We sure never stop learning from each other, do we?? I love you "Sis", you made my day, AGAIN!!! :D ~j~
