Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Ocean Speaks Volumes

The wind tonight sounds like the ocean's waves.

There probably isn't much else, aside from running water in a stream, that sounds so incredibly soothing to my soul.

When I was in Cabo San Lucas, I would go out every night and sit on those huge rocks, and just listen to the waves, watch then crash, and literally, get so mesmorized that I had forgotten where I was.

The ocean does something to me. The enormity, the vast, vast questionable sea of waves and underground world, beyond our imagination, just baffles me!

How? How did this all happen, and how incredibly fortunate are we, to be able to visit such sacred ground?

The ocean is one place I have always thought I would end up living on. Just me and my chair, sitting down by the shore of peace, watching life ebb and flow, and smirking, with a quiet understanding of it all.

It really is a secret language, that if quiet enough, you will hear story after story, of time passed and time to come.

You truly understand the meaning of it all, and nothing matters anymore. Not any circumstance, not any trial or tribulation.

What matters is that you have actually gotten it. And really, you aren't even attached to THAT.
You just sit there and revel in your inner treasure, and what will be, will be. Whatever ground that may cover.

There is a silent laughter that becomes so LOUD, if that makes sense.

You dip into a resevoir of innocence that only allows you to emanate itself. It directs your course so lovingly and softly, and you cannot help but to ooze that purity.

It is so contagious. I don't think there is one person that would pass up the recognition of such

The next time you set sail for a weekend trip, or vacation, give yourself time, alone, even if it is just for a stolen moment, and go sit by the water. Watch those waves crash, and let them tell you a story.... about yourself. Don't even comment in your head," That cannot happen". IT WILL.

Don't ever try to understand the workings of it. That IS the treasure! If you don't try to understand it, IT WILL transform you, and, in time, you WILL get it, without trying.

Did I just say that?

I will go to bed with my own parable, teaching me, exactly what I needed to hear.

Goodnight and much love always.


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