Sunday, March 1, 2009

When Your Body Speaks..........


If there is something going on with your body, listen to it.
Don't just push through it and guess what it is.

There is probably a very good reason why it is doing what it is doing, whether it be a back pain, a headache, a cold, the flu......... it doesn't matter.

Listen to it.

Are you too stressed? Are you paying enough attention to your body, or are you neglecting it?

Are you eating well? Is there a balance or does there need to be one?

I know for me, that if my body is going through something, I can label it anything I want, but the truth to the matter is, there is always an underlying current or reason.

I know what mine is............ do you?

Why does your back hurt?

Why are you tired?

Are you feeding your body good foods? Energizing foods? Or depleting foods?

I am not a diet fanatic, but I do know, that what I ingest, will ALWAYS dictate how I will feel, even 5 minutes from the time I eat it, and also, how I look.

It is a huge balancing act, but only you know, how you feel, with what you eat, how much you sleep, and how much attention you pay to YOURSELF.

You fall, you get back up, you're good for awhile, then you crash again............ it's going to happen, just know, you can always get back up again, and again, and again.

Don't beat yourself up.........just gently remind yourself how you like to feel, and try your best to adhere to something that works for you, and that makes you feel at your optimum.

I'm not saying forfit your favorite food or drink, just balance............... balance............. try.......

And remember, falling is not failing! It just means, you get another opportunity to try again.

There is no right or wrong, just what feels good to you, and only you know what that is.

Yea for support................ no worries............... no worries................ just do your best.


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