Friday, March 6, 2009


There is a sacred self in all of us.

It is one that doesn't "have" to show it self anywhere if it doesn't want to. You are alone with YOU, seperate from what you "do", or how people percieve "you".

You can fall back on to the You, the one that is not judged, not compared, not labeled, or put into a box of just who you "might be", in a thousand others eyes.

There is a relaxing into that. Such a comfort, that I don't think we know that we actually have the choice to BE THAT, wherever we go.

It is easier said than done, to walk that Truth. To actually stay connected to that part of you who doesn't care what people think, who doesn't want someone, to see "you" in a different light, or to see you as "something", even. It could be a good housewife, a valid one, not lazy, but hay, I AM A HOUSEWIFE AND THIS IS HARD....... or, I am your equal, not anything more, or less......
I am an open being, whether it be I do this or that, I am simply just "open". Whatever it is.........

What does it matter to people? I don't think people really realize how much they care about the outside commentaries. They may quickly say, "No, I don't really care, they can say what they want", but the Truth is, WE ALL DO TO SOME EXTENT!

People can be harsh!

Why then, do we judge? WE DON'T WANT TO BE JUDGED RIGHT? So,why?

Who cares about your race? Your religion, your preferences, your job title, your "status" in life?

Mind your business and acknowledge the beauty in your friend, or collegue, family member, or significant other. Passerbyes, for god's sake.


We are not old school anymore.

We have had enough judgement for eons, why don't we start painting a different picture, at least for the sake of the next generation, so that maybe we can make an imprint on down the line.

Who is going to set this precedence?

Are you judging someone for their job? Their race? Their preference?


You are you. And they, are they. Both have the same hearts that beat, the same blood flow coarsing through their veins............. same anatomy..........

Go figure!

It's not a huge math equation.


Just love.

Can I say it again?




  1. love and be loved, it is so simple but for some impossible but why? that is another quote for another time. Becky

  2. .......and I would love to hear YOUR quote!

    It is simple Becky. so extremely simple, and one little 'THOUGHT' gone awry, ruins the simplicity of it all.

    Needless to say, we need to stop thinking, eh?
