Monday, March 9, 2009

How Can We Stay at Peace When.............

How can we possibly find peace in our lives when everywhere you turn there is chaos?

Everyone has their own story of what chaos means. It could be work related, relationship related, family related, personal, medical, and the list goes on.

What happens when it really is one thing after the other? Is the solution any different than if it were just one thing every so often?

Isn't it the same peace we still have to find?

I am finding that no matter what the situation, the same basic rules apply. Except when the heat gets turned up, you may have to take those few extra breaths or have loving, supportive friends, remind you of what is real, more often than not, so you can come back to a truthful and peaceful center.

No one said this journey would be easy. But I do know one thing for sure.

I never know the bigger plan, and sometimes that is a good thing, because how the Universe has it planned turns out much better than I would have designed it anyway.

All things happen in a very specific way for our growth, and even if it seems like it isn't, it REALLY IS! The twists and turns seem just as.......twists and turns, but really it is perfectly orchestrated for us, and whatever it is that we need in that moment.

I am going to take myself off the hook right now of thinking I need to be in control of every last thing in my life, and let go a bit, and let God do his magic. I'll take every step I need to take in the right direction, but there is a time and place to say, I can let go now, and watch how incredibly things unfold, because we took that risk.

Hurray for risk takers, and hurray for the ones who stand their ground and watch how you actually do get "rewarded" for staying true to you being.

I am all for supporting love and peace! And, I am all for supporting anyone who is on that same train ride.

I'm not going anywhere......... don't you either...........stay on that train, no matter how hard it seems.

You will be taken care of in the most incredible ways.

I promise!


  1. I really liked the butterfly example! very good!! keep 'em coming!

  2. Will everyone boo

    but what if ...there is no plan
    what if something better isn't around and what if "God" has no map?

    what if the only thing we can count on is chaos and change?

    What kind of responsibility would that put "in our hands"?
    Could we still be ready to realize we have no control..
    and even with that, we can realease, keep true,
    and stay steady..

    Just some thoughts
