Thursday, March 19, 2009

There is Never a Right Time.........

I don't think there is ever a "right" time for anything. I think everything happens the way it should, when it is supposed to.

It wasn't the right time for my mother to pass, it wasn't the right time for me to move, it wasn't the right time for me to get in an accident after I had trained one whole year for a bodybuilding show .......not the right this, not the right that. But, if I can be honest, in retrospect, I can see that these things happened so perfectly for my evolvement as a soul, yearning for understanding, and to reach a plateau that would enable me to find that place of peace, and too, inspiration, to move forward, and build upon an incredible foundation of a Truth that had already existed.

I am learning to go with the flow of life. It doesn't mean I cannot plan things, or even visualize future events. In fact, I think that is the only way, really, that we will attract what we want, is to keep it alive in our minds, nurturing every detail, making it as big and bright, and colorful, and exciting as we can, so it keeps us motivated and inspired, and too, keeps it real for us.


Gently put it out there. SEE IT, FEEL IT, TASTE IT, and even HEAR every nuance about it. See where you are, the environment that you are in, who is in your world, where you are, even how you look physically. Get down to the nitty gritty and map all of it out, because IT WILL HAPPEN!!

But......... this is a long journey, so we aren't really going to be 100% sure WHEN all of this will take place, but I will tell you this.......... "Someone" out "there" has heard your cries, your wants, your desires, and the purity in which your heart and soul has delivered the message.

You may be talking to your animals, sharing your private secrets about your personal journey, you may be lying in a hammock, staring at the sky, seeing the stars at night, wishing upon them. You may be talking to your therapist, a friend, your spouse............ lightly, or deeply, about all of those things and more........... THAT, is "putting it out there". THAT, is delivering a message. Your own personal message as to how you are directing your life, painting on your canvas.

You are being heard!!!!

I know for me, I have been desiring the same thing since I was a little girl, and how I have actually seen it, has not come to fruition YET, and it is ok. My canvas has allowed me to paint on it, with that desire there, but it has not formed the WHOLE picture yet. It has given me corners to test different colors, and scenes, but it has not formed the entire vision. It has been a very large painting that is just not finished yet.

When is the right time?

I don't have that answer. But what I do know, is that when the time is right, it will be delivered to my door with tons of bows and ribbons, and I will know, in that moment, that there was a reason for not having exactly what I wanted WHEN I wanted it, and it will have allowed me to see, so clearly, how, in retrospect, all things DO happen for a reason, and probably the anxiety and pain I, or you, put ourselves through was just all part of the ride, for different reasons, for your growth, for my growth..... but more than likely, unecessary. Truly, we could've just sat back and enjoyed the ride from a really cool objective place.

That is my goal. To just enjoy this journey, without so much fret, and to see that no matter what situation I see myself in, it is there to teach me something, and IS PART OF THE THING THAT I REALLY DID ASK FOR, it just didn't show up in the package I thought was going to be delivered.

Good person, bad person, good job, sucky job, money, no money, house, no house............

Even if we take one gem out of where we are now, in this moment, I think we will have done a good deed for our souls, our sweet innocent souls that just want us to relax, and have fun, and to keep throwing it some good tasting "bones" every once in awhile.


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