Thursday, March 12, 2009

Don't Lose Your Mojo

How is it that life can present certain circumstances that make you feel less than optimal?
How is it that life isn't "fair" sometimes?
How is it that the good energy we once had, is gone?

What is that? Where did our once, fiesty, energetic mojo go? ( I use the word fiesty a lot don't I?), hee.

Where have our "old" original selves gone? It's in there, trust me. From the age of 7, we pretty much have molded who we are and who we want to be. We do get side tracked, but if you do think back to that age, you could probably see some remnants of what you are doing today. Things you thought about, things you gravitated towards, hobbies......all of it.

You had Mojo back then, thinking about it, and it is still there.

Where are we headed?

Who cares what is happening right now, in this very moment. Who cares if you are tired, who cares if you are bored, who cares if you don't even know what the heck you want to do when you gow up, even at the ripe ages of 50, or 40 or whatever. WHO CARES? Who said there was a time limit on goals, and when to get them, and when to change them?

That is what I love about this little life. You can do whatever the heck you want! Really, you can, unless you want to streak throughout the streets yelling wildly. And even that, you might get smacked on the least you had fun doing it, right? Ut oh, I see some eyes rolling on that one........

If you don't have an idea of where you are going, career wise, or relationship wise, or even where the heck you are going to live tomorrow, throw your hands up in the air, and celebrate THIS MOMENT.

I am. And you'd laugh if I told you about my life! WHO CARES?

We all have our own unique stories. Make it light. Make it light, and move on!

As Roseanna Roseanna Danna said, "If it's not one thing, It's the other!"

Today, it will be your boss, tomorrow your hair will look frizzy and you'll feel ugly, you might look in the mirror and say ......" WHAT THE HELL HAVE I DONE, I USED TO LOOK SO GOOD?" I need to clean up my diet.

Ok already! We know the facts, NOW, WHAT TO DO?

Listen, I have to draw on my own enthusiam, cuz ain't no one roun' telling me all the hard core truths I need to hear, and the fact is, IDO ALREADY KNOW THEM! I just have to implement them.

So.......... back to good ol' MOJO.

Today, or first thing tomorrow, let's all get some mojo.

You pick your thing, I'll pick mine.

You don't have to confess to anyone, just silently pick your own FIRST STEP, towards one thing that will amp up your mojo. ( and that would not mean, one more espresso ok?)

What will ignite you today? Without thinking too, too much, just go ahead and DO IT! Don't think about it. You'll know the one thing that you want to start with, so just go ahead and plan on ........ leaving the hamburger for the kids, leave the couch and remote for the dogs, and quit thinking about how you so WANT TO DO THIS AND THAT, and just get your little butt up and do it.


I'm here listening too! I actually already started mine, and I feel awesome, amongst life's challenges today.

Hint for mine? Empty living room, great 70's music, cowboy hat, jeans and tank top, dancing my cares away.

WWWWWHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOO CAAAAAAAARREEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS, all the thoughts will be there anyway, so you might as well get up and do whach your gonna do, and have fun in the midst of it all.


Love you guys,
Huge support and love from the bottom of my heart,

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