Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Four Score and How Many Years Ago?

OK, so the reality is....... I am getting older! I don't even consider age, really, until my sister, jokingly prepares me for the next phase in my life. "Oh, wait till you hit..... say 35, or 40, or whatever age it is. I always laugh and say, DONNNNNTTTT DO THAT! We laugh, but truly, I think to myself, I don't want to have an idea about what is supposed to happen at what age. I do what I do, whatever that is, and if I can still bend, I'm good right? I still climb trees, I still skip down the road, I still sing out loud, and, yes, yesterday, is sat and blew bubbles with my dogs. They have peanut butter bubbles for dogs, FYI.

Four score and how many years ago, did we let ourselves wake up, alarm clock-less, jump out of bed and go see what cereal we had in the cabinet? Look outside to see if it was sunny, rainy, snowing or windy? Oh, and uh, not care! Truly, not care, because we were just happy to get up and see that there was a day before us.

Four score, I don't remember waking up to I-tunes programed to my speaker system, and grabbing my cell phone, before my eyes were even open, to see if I had any text messages, then to listen to my voice mails, and oh, real quick let me check my emails, but why go over to the computer when I can just do that right here at this one stop shop, in bed, my IPHONE.... Oh look, I have 92 emails.......let me answer them real quick and I might as well snap a picture of Fido lying here on the bed too, since Sally hasn't seen him yet, send that, then hurry downstairs because my latte should be done already. I programmed it for 10. Shoot, I'm late, oh god, someone is texting, where is my blue tooth, I can't drive without that...........

Four score.......... I woke up and smelled the Clorox sheets that Gramma hung out on the clothes line, at 6 am, after sitting in her rocking chair, in her room for an hour, quietly, doing her rosary. I would peek in there and just be in awe. She never knew I saw. It was the highlight of my day, although with her, there were a multitude of highlights. That just happened to be one of my favorites.
I'd sneak back into my room because I knew she would come in afterward and gently try to wake me up........I knew she would stare at me while I was sleeping, and I loved that. She was like an angel looking down on me. It felt awesome then, and thinking about it, gives me the same feeling.

We'd go downstairs and there on the table was corn flakes, a banana, hot instant Sanka, and Jewish rye bread and butter with homemade marmalade. A glass of milk, and her, next to me, just quiet.
The back door open, of course, because why wouldn't we spend the morning listening to the birds? Birds were our favorite, and she would just sit there while I ate, and listen intently to them, and what song they were singing because she would emulate it, and they would answer back to her. SHEER INTELLIGENCE TO ME THEN, AND SHEER INTELLIGENCE TO ME NOW.

Breakfast crumbs went to the driveway so the birds could dip it in the water and give to their young, and the rest to compost for the worms that we would go fishing with.

Everything was used, sour milk for sourdough bread, you name it.

Four score........LIFE WAS GRAND!

There actually was an intention to LISTEN to life, as it was, not as we created it, AS IT WAS. An intention to SEE LIFE, and what it had offered us, to FEEL IT, to get our hands in Mother earth and to actually feel what we walk on, what supports us daily..........TO SMELL........... the driveway garnished with Rose 'a Sharon......... sweet, sweet smells of flowers, the fresh cut grass with a push mower, no motor, no smelly stuff........

smell the rain............

and then maybe go for a walk later, get an ice-cream, tell some stories, come home, take a nap, wake up, cook together, check in on the news for an update, and spend time again...........quiet, acknowledging one another, actually seeing the person in front of you, without a cell phone, without a blue tooth on, without the stereo, the TV, the computer............. just quiet, and soul connecting.

Four Score and How Many Years Ago was that?

I don't care what the rest of the world is doing, or what I have learned along the way. What I do know is that as much as I/we have learned........... we can unlearn too! Let's get back to basics, simple stuff, that feeds our souls, and really connects us "wireless".
You'll "google" yourself outside of the "earth", but no map will be found. And no one to trace it. I promise you that!

Put down the gadgets, put your sneakers on, put your headsets down, go smell the rain tonight.!!

Look up, you'll be surprised what you might see, or not see.

I have a secret for you.

It isn't old fashioned to get to know yourself!!!


  1. I love the taste of my own tears, as I sit here waiting for our brother, Tom, to be taken to his (hopefully)last surgery for bladder cancer related healing. His fiance's laptop connects us, ironically, as I snibble and sniff back the emotional joy of reading about Gramma Rose... our Saintly Matriarchal Diva! I remember Dad and I arriving from our long haul up the turnpike to NY, and finding her, at age 78, on the 3rd story,slate roof-top, changing the storm windows to screens to let the attic air out and bring the fresh spring fragrances to purify the already heavenly aromas of her home, saturated with the many years of authentic, old country Italian cooking... you know, that never ending pleasing eggplant parmesian, escarole soup, and traditional meat sauce w/veal, pork, and beef in the meatballs, made from scratch... that ever present, heavenly aroma, that gently whispers, "Gramma is Love"!

    So, of course, Dad, is concerned she might fall, and she climbs back in the dormer window to greet us inside on the stair landing between the foyer and the kitchen. She shares news of some burglars breaking into her home a couple of weeks earlier, telling us of all they had taken.

    Who, but a humble saint, could utter these next words, which changed my life forever, deeply infusing my entire being with compassion, self-lessness, forgiveness, and unconditional love... she continues about the thieves, " poor souls, they must have been hungry and desperate...I hope they made it away safely." I was all of about 14, and remember this moment with sobering clarity, as she defined me in an instant, to know the heart-melting compassion that she exuded so easily and without regard for ego or loss.

    Somehow, we always knew, You and I, dear Sister, that her ways are the ways of Divinity, not limited by human ideologies and theologies, upon other "-ologies" and "-isms", but simply PURE LIGHT and PURE LOVE... how blessed that every "old timer" is someone's gramma, or grampa, and while some may think, "c'mon, pops/granny...move it", I'm thinkng, "Wow, whose grampa/gramma are you, and how loved are they?"

    Thanks Gramma, and thanks Gabriela, for all her memories we keep, and for taking me to Portchester, and Gramma's kitchen, where the whole universe was fed from a humble home, where Love was bred, and where bread was LOVE, after all, "EVEN THE BIRDS HAVE BELLIES AT ROSIES PLACE!"



  2. Jimmy - that is so beautiful and so Grandma Rose! She loved all creatures and all things and every day was a great blessing to her! We all have tender and funny memories of her to cherish! And I know she is looking down on each of you and will always be there to love and protect each of you! How blessed we are to have had her in our lives! Eddrie

  3. As I sit here reading these beauiful memories, I also have tears streaming down my face. Eventhough I only spent a short span of years with Grandma Rose, she made a profound impact on my life and I am grateful for the time I spent with her. She immediately welcomed us into her home and into her heart and I have wonderful memeories of that time in my life. She was always in her kitchen when we arrived at her house in NY, and before you even had a chance to sit down, there was a huge meal in front of you! The smell in her kitchen was so incredibly delicious, I have never forgotten the armoma of pasta fagoli or spaghetti sauce simmering on the stove. You always knew she was going to send you home with a big bag of leftovers because she would not let you leave empty handed. She was always in motion, such a force for a tiny little lady, and she taught me something new everytime I was with her. I think of her so often and feel so blessed to have known her. Thank you for sharing your Grandma Rose with me, I will never forget her.
