Sunday, March 29, 2009

I Will Never Question .......again....

....whether or not there are angels in our lives.

They show up as the least possible choice, at least one that we wouldn't "choose", and then you watch the glorious process of how perfect things happen and are put into our lives for a reason.

Sometimes you feel like you are carried, and some times it feels like you are in a pit of quicksand.

Well, while feeling like I was in quick sand, 4 amazing angels showed up, not even for me, but doing something else for someone.....and...... so the long story goes of God's incredible orchestration.

I will expound on this more, but for tonight, just know, wherever you are, whatever you are experiencing, look around. You may not even notice an angel if you tripped over one, because we are so caught up in the whirlwind of our lives, we miss out.

I think tonight, I was too tired to think too much, and wow, another whole story there......What a novel idea........PRACTICE NON THINKING.

I'll go to bed with that thought, and the sheer gratitude for the workings of our Beloved Universe.

Thank you all for being such bright lights in my world, and for making me smile, and laugh throughout my days.

And thank you for the precious ones who make me feel safe, in an otherwise crazy, crazy world.

You have my heart.


1 comment:

  1. hello me pretty. something I wanted to share with you and your family circle. made me think if you for the obvious reasons. enjoy as I have. love from iraq...duggiestyle

    link up...
