Sunday, October 24, 2010


In complete Surrender, to what is, and what I  have called in, and am making the most beautiful progress, knowing, what is happening, to the T, what I have asked for, and drawn in for whatever reasons, and am  happy that I can  look at my life and take responsibility for all that is in it. The best part is that if there is something there, not to my liking, I can immediately change it, because I  have that choice.
There is nothing worse than to hear myself  complain about circumstances, while knowing, full on, that I am never the victim, and that I'd be an ass if I thought that someone else was going to change it for me!

God, it takes us so long to understand this! To take full responsibility for our exact moments. Really,  no one else is to blame, or has "control" over us, as to make or break our lives.

It is something that takes practice, amongst  practice, amongst.......practice.

Everyday there is something that I want to change. I want to keep detailing my life until it finally says, "RIGHT THE HELL ON".........YOU ARE WHERE YOU ARE BECAUSE THIS IS WANT YOU WANT...........AND............I WIND UP LOVING IT.........NOT A COMPLAINT IN SIGHT!

I have battles in my head everyday, complaints, the should, the shouldn'ts and why am I here, but never the "blues".


It takes all responsibility off of any one, or thing!  And then it is straight shootin' from there.

What do I need to do? It is seriously a lot of homework, to take responsibility for me, and not take any one person into account. It's funny actually, now, of course. Never, really, back then. It is some excruciating stuff. That is just real.

"The he, or she did that to me is like...yes, and so?? No matter how big or small............. we can change things up. Right now, just take the blame off! I know it is hard, but stand tall in your crap. Ughh, I know the hardship in that.

It may seem that I say that with ease, but trust me when I tell you, it has not been an "ease" to get here, to this moment in time where the objectivity remains, for the most part, solid!

I have had crying moments, questioning nights, and a plethora of other days, nights and moments that have made me question my days, my existence here and how it is all intertwined.

The good thing that Love can carry us so far. If we just keep loving beyond our thoughts, our ideas, and what we think should be, we will sail and find a peace, and a love that soars beyond belief.
As soon as you feel like you are downing someone, take it back to you. How is it that you may be that very same thing, and then find compassion in your judgement.

Really, the work is endless!

To date, I have my opinions that flail from  left to right, and I see them, and then laugh. I say, "OK, good, now let's go for a walk and see how this can be objectified". If I don't give myself that time to be objective, I am truly screwed!
It just adds up, all of those millions of moments that catch up to me, all day long.
Somewhere in my day, I have to find a pocket of time that says,"Gather all info, and process". Not from me, Gabriela, but from the source inside that knows "right, from wrong".
If I let myself, I would think that I needed my therapist 24/7. I can easily get comfortable in objective opionion. It is such a luxury to see someone to be able to spill all, and to hear objective advice, but really, the most beautiful luxury is to give my own self the time, patience, and compassion that would equal, hopefully an hour or so of a session with a therapist.

This is my life's work!

Lay yourself down at night.
Catch a glimpse of who you are outside of your work, your family, your love, and see what it is that you are searching for.

Do me a favor.
Don't ask anyone.
Just ask yourself, and don't worry how long it takes for an answer.

Just check it out!

There is "the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow".
It is in being who you are, outside of what you, or others think you need to be, and what naturally seems good, organic, or right, in your soul.

Stay true to that.

I tell you nothing different than what has worked for me. It is not any solid solution, nor am I anyone with all of the answers. I am just someone who has experienced life to the fullest, in all aspects, and will share what has, and has not, worked for this hungry, hungry soul.

In the meantime, I want to celebrate the extreme amount of love that is permeating through this being, and to jump up and celebrate life in all of it's grandeur.

C'mon already! Grab  hold of my hand. It's time to celebrate our life!

I  love you all!!


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