Monday, October 4, 2010


The other day I received a post card, again, from my Uncle Dick, who has been a steadfast divine presence in all of our lives since we were little, but most importantly, was the rock in my mothers life, along with his wife, who we called Aunt Mary.

These two divine souls have nurtured the love and devotion for god in my mothers life, as well as ours, while she was living, have been by her side, as true friends, mentors, angels, and just  beautiful friends, always there, to listen, to help, and to guide when she was not feeling up to par, or maybe overwhelmed with her life as it was, with five children, all alone, by herself.
Not only that, but to share in lifes beauties, the simplicity of it all, and the divinity, first and foremost.

I can write all night long about Uncle Dick and Aunt Mary, but I will start here, by saying that, since Mom has passed, and Aunt Mary too, right before Mom, I have slowly begun to form an adult relationship with my Uncle Dick that has been so comforting, so transformative, and real, almost amongst any relationship I have at this point in my life.
He is incredibly devoted to his life, his 6 boys, and his prayer.

He is full in his beliefs.

Like I said, I can go on about him and tell stories like crazy, but, I will just zone in on one time, inparticular that has stood out, amongst many, that has brought me, literally , to a place of ultimate realization.

I got home and was hurried to walk the dogs. I grabbed the leash, put it on one of the dogs and headed out.
I always stop at the mailbox on the way back in, and when I did, I saw a card from Dick Sammel, and suddenly got excited.
Not because I had a piece of mail, but because I knew, without a doubt, what would be inside of that card.
For one, he is an artist, so opening the card is always a joy, because I get to see his art work, that is so utterly gorgeous, and two, he expresses himself, as I do, with whatever comes to mind.

This one particular time, I grabbed his card, brought my dog in the yard, grabbed my coffee and sat on my rod iron bench, under this huge oak tree, that honestly makes me spell bound every time I sit there.

I had my coffee, my baby was eating some appealing blade of grass, and there I was, excited to see what Uncle Dick had to say this time.

It is always so chock full of love, so innocent, so real, and simple.

As I was reading his letter, it made me cry for numerous reasons.

It was if I had written the letter. Someone, Someone.........gets it!

If I can quote him......

"Dearest Joni,
Each day, as soon as I arise and make a pot of coffee, I sit by my front window and begin my prayers for the day, watch for the birds at my feeders, sip a little, and pray!
Amongst the thoughts and requests, and thanks, I say a Novena, perpetually, you of course are mentioned each day.
Of the requests I make during the Novena prayers is a request for "smiles".
I ask that I may touch someone, someway to make them smile, to make them feel better, for at least that moment, by my actions,, my love, my presence.
Some days, the smiles come easily, and abundantly.
Some days I have to search, a phone call, a note, an encounter at the market.
But, everyday, I ask for the grace to let my love shine through, and make someone smile!!!!

When I read your Daily Quotes of Sept 24 "All I Know", you say, "When I think of all the things I love doing, it always involves making someone smile, making someone happy."
You surely make me smile. Your whole being is of love and smiles!

A day or so later I received an email with this quote. "The fruit of love is service".
The fruit of service is peace, and peace begins with a smile". ~ Mother Theresa

"All of the above, makes me feel that I'm in good company. Joni and Mother Theresa, and..... smiles!

Today is your Aunt Mary and My 52nd Anniversary. I miss her ever more and fall in love with her continually~
Thank you sweet girl. Thank you for your words, your love,  your sharing. You do bring smiles to this "Old Man".
Uncle Dick
I love this for the purity that it is!
End of Story.


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