Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I am so happy to fall flat on my face, to learn, to grow, and to get right back up to see what the heck it was that made me fall to the ground like that to begin with.
I am a fighter, really, I am, and if something makes me fall to the ground, or anywhere near it, you have shaken my hand, in the boxing ring, and, I know, I will want a re-match. For sure!
Never make the determination on the first's the next match that you better watch out for.

I am certainly not looking to fight anyone or thing, but if I am forced in the ring, I have no problem putting on my boxing gloves and giving you everything I have.....honestly!

This life is so chock full of opportunity for me to become more of who I am inside, to shed the layers of skin that just don't fit anymore, and to physically and mentally meet the challenges that I think need to be met, for me to stay good, and true inside, to feel good, as a spirit, and a soul that is trying to do some good here.

I love visuals that are  physical, and that you can look beyond what is being portrayed and use it as a lesson, on a whole, to where you are, what you are doing, and how you want to transmute that, so that people can digest what the hell you are talking about.

Boxing is good. Anyone and everyone fights in their own way. For freedom, for rights, for any darn thing. We all have our own individual issues.

I have a photographer friend who is coming soon to take pictures for an upcoming blog I want to do, to re-create, for a project I have in mind. I cannot wait. She is amazing, she knows the depth behind my work, and what I want to portray. I could care less about my picture being taken. Really....... the only thing, and well, it is big, and a huge project that I have wanted to take on for  many years now, is that a photographer follows me in my daily life, and just takes her own images as I go. Nothing like," hay I want to look like this, or that," but someone who is in tune with me, the silence, and can hang with traipsing upon my territory, doing what they love, and me, doing what I love, quiet, but both getting what we want.
It is a long term project that cannot be taken lightly, for me at least. Why, I don't know, it is just there, and always has been.

Anyway, a series of those images will be of boxing, since it is a huge love and passion of mine, and too, any and everything that makes me crawl out of my skin........... maybe I will just leave that for the images to appear on my blog, but honestly, if someone is in their element, and the person behind the camera is present, and whole, in themselves, therein lies some beautiful love making.

Passion to me lies in anything you do. I know that I can be doing the laundry and have moments of sheer,"God..... WHAT WAS THAT?" And there I am so in love with my life, so simple, so giggly, and so content.

Maybe she is taking pictures of me folding laundry, who knows. It is all about the moment, and how it is portrayed.The meaning behind it all, no matter how simple.

I want to fall back into myself.  The self that no longer cares what it looks like on the outside.

So many people have ideas of how they see me, of how I "should" look, or what I "should" be wearing, or doing.......the list goes on.

I love who I am in all of my simple ways.

I don't wear this or that. I'm not frilly. I'm not the Jane, or the Sue who wears this or that. I am just me who is comfortable in............whatever it is.

I am not a make-up girl, or roll my hair in curlers. God forbid............. that much time taken in the morning, I coulda run a mile or two.....

This girl is easy. Jeans, T-shirt, boots. Shake the hair a bit with some product and out the door we go. Nothing else please, or I will get overwhelmed. hahahha

Why can't we all be left alone? Or should I say, "Why can't we allow ourselves to be left alone?"
Why does it have to be that we have to be doing certain things, for certain people or............just for ourselves, outside of our homes and small little vortex?

Are we afraid of what people will think of us? Will they be disappointed in us for not being or doing what they thing we should be doing?

It is huge. It really is.

I battled that for awhile. Doing what people expected of me. It hurt me so greatly, because what people wanted from me, was not what I wanted for myself. Again, I was trying to please others to fill some sort of gap.

I changed that ( I was going to say "right quick") because I have definitely been in Texas too long. I changed that and it has more than transformed me. I listen to your opinions, because it is interesting, but "where is it that I was now?' My thoughts of me are good, true, and pretty right on, and I am sure, by all means, that you have that good of a grip on yourself.

I feel like I have been writing all over the board tonight, but it is OK.

Let me Fall was about being ourselves. Coming back to ourselves.

No matter what people want you to be.

Really look at who you are, RIGHT NOW, and what that means for you, and then, simply execute that in your daily life. I mean, you HAVE TO.............I won't let you........NOT............DO THAT, FOR YOU!

Do you want to downsize? Up size? Be more of this, or less of that? Please, make me happy and say that you will be OK with making a change that will conform more to who you are. There is no need to make anyone happy with how you look or what you do. Please, if not for anyone, make me a happy camper by telling me you went out with no make-up and didn't care, or you went to a show and didn't care  how people thought about you, or to the grocery store at 6 am without pounds of make-up on, when really, you woulda just looked perfect with no make-up and your goofy little shorts. Did you ever think that you looked good like that?


I could go on an on.

Who are you?

What do you want to portray?

Do you care what it looks like?

If so, why?

Things to think about.................

but darn, do it while singing.............please sing...............cuz I know I am tonight............

wish upon that star............. it's waiting................ go ahead................... make the wish, and go to bed.

I am always, always, here to support you beyond belief!

Love, love, and love,

1 comment:

  1. I just want to be Mother Nature, one with all the animals, critters bugs and bees.....except the fire ants, still cannot understand why God created them....but I am sure he had his reasons. I will ask him someday. I love being outside with the air on my face especially while on the back of one of the horses. I was just thinking about this today, most favorite time is in the barn when the horses have just been fed. It is the most amazing sound, such contentment. Then the chickens come running for their little treat and to hear their them talk to me and amongst themselves, cats come to great and eat a little...yep, I am Mother Nature and I am right where I need to be and grow.
    Love you Bunches!
