Saturday, October 23, 2010


...and I don't mean the old fashioned, classic way, or even an erotic way, of what those words may evoke.

When I say making love, I mean nothing other than an organic love ~ making love to life, and people, and situations, as if you were courting them, as if you fell in love for the very first time.

Life has so many gorgeous  moments that warrant the same kind of passion that we would give or put forth for a night of love making with our partners. Life, in fact, to me, has much more of an eclectic allure, than that of the "date night" or passionate glow.

I don't know, call me goofy......... some things just pale in comparison and I find myself wanting love from a much more natural source, other than, going to a movie and dinner.

Life is screaming for our attention! And too, I think we need that!

I happen to think that when we set sail on our own personal journey, not wanting anything from anyone, and we just set out to explore and investigate our natural passions, we will happen upon our love, however that may show up. Shoot it may be dogs, it may be bear in the wild, it may be a lover that shares the same interest, and it may be no one.........and that would be OK for me............what about you?

What if we were to let our natural way or state of being come forth, and didn't question it. What if, use me, if it were my calling to just be with animals?

Would you think that to be crazy? Would you question it?

Now what if that same situation occurred for you? What if that calling was for you? Would you still feel the need to be with "someone" because that is what is supposed to be?

I have been to the "moon and back" as far as experiencing life, and love, and sex and so forth. .............bored!

I  love life, and what it has to offer.

There are a  million ways to make love, and it is not based on the physical.

Don't get me wrong, I think it is OK........hahahha...........just OK, but never, ever, the icing on the cake.

I'll take the Gorilla in Africa before that. And the Crocodile, and the Elephant, and the...............  list goes  on.

Maybe I'm the goofy one.

Who knows? I don't really think so, though, to be quite honest.

In the morning, I make love to the sunrise.

I make love to my animals, to their behavior, to their existence.

I watch the water, the birds and the trees and man, if I were on drugs I'd be higher than a kite.

I'm not.

Life is full with wonderment, and an amazing view from a purity that only comes if you are willing to see it, and feel it, and know it.

Otherwise, it is just a "pretty landscape" that you will go to bed thinking,"Wow, Texas is great".

It is so not that!

Maybe I will be the "not understood artist", which would be OK with me, but for myself, will not suffice.

I am a digger.

I am so god darn  passionate, that I am coming out of my skin..........every morning, every day, and when I lay in bed at night.

It honestly isn't about a temple, or church, or making it in the business world.

It is about being OK with my thoughts, my whereabouts and what I am going to make out of my life that was so graciously given to me.

Not Your life, but mine.

Wow........ my goodnight to myself is charged.

I am so.......sooooooooooo gifted for being allowed to feel what I feel.

Thank you so much for this allowance and the opportunity to share love and too, to receive it, when it comes.

All my love,

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