Monday, November 16, 2009


Wow, I'm probably jumping into writing this at a bad time, when time is of the essence, but didn't want to NOT blog, since tonight will be a late night at work. Tomorrow will soon be here and I will have already been passionate about some other, if I run short, I will surely have to continue, since it is a subject that has been rumbling in my consciousness for awhile now.

On my time off I like to squeeze in the things that I love. Time doesn't always allow for all things, but it is important to me to sneak in the little things that make my heart swell, and too, make room in my head, to clear out all of the stuff that comes along with daily living, that can stress you to the bone,whether it be, finances, work, relationships, you know, all of the regular stuff that we all have to deal with at some point and time, and again, and again, and so life's stuff whirls it's way in..........friendships, illness, death, the environment.........the list goes on.

To be able to clear some of those cob webs out, in the midst of your whirlwind of a life, look at your time "allotted", and make good use of that time and effort, can be incredibly magical, but again, it's almost like squeezing time in to relax, or to get good with yourself, or whatever!

In my solitude, it's not always that I get to actually experience undoing the cob webs. It may just be that I choose to grab onto a differently reality, maybe just putting things on the back burner, because without a doubt, "they" promise you to be there to haunt you as soon as you "get done" with whatever "magic" you are trying to conjure up to forget about whatever it was that made you want to "escape". Got that?

So, I have been making a conscious effort to make the time to meditate more, go for walks, even if I am dead beat tired, to write, even if my brain is on tilt, just to tap into something that is a bit more real to me than what I am living, at present.

On one of my walks the other day, it was the most amazing day. A tiny bit windy, the sun was hitting every tree perfectly, the flowers were laden with juice, since they had the right amount of rain and sunshine to make them look so spectacular.

It was silent.

Thoughts disappeared and walking really became the most amazing journey inside. You sort of disappear as if you were meditating for hours. Suddenly your reality is back, and everything that seemed so bleak, now IS on the back burner, and you are grimacing, knowing that it is all truly TEMPORARY.

This life, the situations, the events, the people...........all of it is just clumped up into a short story, that is made to seem long.

It's really not.

What I have been feeling, in situations like that, and more on different subjects, is that my life, inwardly is so old fashioned, and loves the simple stuff, the things that get looked over, and more and more, I am attracted to people, and situations that exude that innocence, that sweet way of feeling, genuinely, inside, as if you are being courted.

It is a shame that in today's world, not enough of that innocence is shared. I can't say not EVER. I see it, but rarely.

It reminds me of my mother, who always got asked to go out, do things, spend time with people, and good people too, not like they were heathens or anything, haha, but the things she got asked to do were normal, up to date kinda things, but she was totally content sitting at home watching her old movies. Katherine Hepburn, Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Robert Mitchum, Judy Garland, oh, I can name a million that she loved. She had a physical, mental, and spiritual experience when she entered into her little movie land, watching one movie after another.
Some people would say, Yea, but that is not reality", going back to a time that isn't even relevant now.

But the point is, is that it equaled where she was inside. It made her feel good, it made her bubble up inside, meanwhile everyone would get mad at her for not going out to dinners or over to peoples houses, but the Truth was, she just..........wanted to stay home............and enjoy what made her feel good!!! would!

That is how I feel. I feel as if I want the old fashioned ways that were so cool. Even when it comes to a significant other. Remember when you were in school and you actually flirted forever, then you made a date, and then it was just sweet...........

Now a days people are going out on the first date, hopping in the back seat and going to town.

Did we skip over getting to know one another? Where is the sweetness?

Maybe I was born in the wrong time frame? haha

I had a friend over recently and it was so spontaneous, it caught me off guard, but as I was walking down the stairs, I heard, "Aww, you look so beautiful"...........

I know that seems trite, and like nothing, but it was said in the most innocent and sweet way, that I don't think I'll ever forget it. It's not the words, or that someone told me I looked beautiful, it was the energy behind it, and the most precious innocence, that made me feel extremely wonderful.

My days have been like that, and doing the things that make me feel THAT WAY.

It may be my walks, my choice of music, quietude, the symphony, dreaming, watching the stars, sitting with my animals, watching them, deeply and understanding another really ........getting it!!!!

It all transports you to a place that doesn't really exist in the hustle and bustle. And, if it did, you'd truly have to fight off the crowd and find a razor sharp edge to focus on to actually keep you there, in that place of greatness.

I'm trying to make the outer, meet the inner, so it isn't such a fight.

I want to court the old and fabulous ways of honoring beauty, whether it be in the great outdoors, my animals, or the person I am with.

There is a softness about life that needs to be embraced, at least for me anyway.

Just think of your most comfortable feeling, that makes you feel warm, safe, cozy, loved and think of how that would feel if it were in every inch of your life, in every corner.


It is the most beautiful blanket to wrap yourself in.

Create your own reality ..............

It isn't easy, but it will be a lifelong project..............

always changing,

always teaching,

always, always.........


Thank you for showing me innocence,

in all it's grandeur!


1 comment:

  1. Truly one of your best blogs. Being old fashioned and courting our innocence is precisely what lifts our hearts in solitude and in company of mates/friends/family/strangers.
    xo Cheryl
