Tuesday, November 17, 2009

IT DOESN'T MATTER............

.........what you are "supposed" to be doing on Christmas, New Years, Birthdays, or any other occasion............ as long as you are happy doing what you choose, and it makes you feel warm, cozy, and loved! Isn't that, really, the best scenario? To feel loved, warm and cozy? I mean, c'mon!!

There is no keeping up with the Jonses on any occasion. Me? I have always done what I wanted, contrary to what others have wanted me to do.

There have been many Thanksgivings spent just being in the woods, chopping down dead trees, and getting the good ol' chain saw out to get fire wood. Hiking with the dogs, retreating and going on long, long walks.

Hay, but it is Thanksgiving??!! What are you doing?

Shouldn't you be with family? Shouldn't you be doing this or that?

Traditionally speaking, yes! And, I do love tradition.

But I also love that I can do whatever I want, when I want, and have no bad feeling about it, for the most part that is. Human emotion and guilt over rule at times, and I think Ugh, what am I doing........and then I access the situation and say, "But I actually LOVE THIS!" Then the guilt finds it's way to the back burner. (best case scenario)

Kind of like today.

It is my birthday, and I could have done anything I wanted to. I had offers left and right, to do, to go, to have, and to let loose............ but I chose my little thing that I love to do. It's always simple, no nonsense, and full of love. I mean, so simple it's "pathetic".

I had one appointment, that, to me, really wasn't an "appointment" but for times sake, I guess it

I specifically made the "appointment" on this day, because it meant something to me. Something very real, very pure, and honest. An allowance for me to be me, unfiltered, naked, and raw.

To me, that is the best kind of relating to have with someone. How can you really call it "relating" if you are compromising the better part of you?

I have some awesome relationships with people, but when it comes down to the bare bones, they don't really know me at all. That is not a bad thing. It's just that for some reason, it doesn't naturally happen, or, quite simply, just isn't there!

Doesn't mean we can't have intelligent conversation, or get along, but to get to my core, you have to have a really special key to be able to get inside my door, that isn't easily opened.

If you find yourself with that key.......... you know, or at least I am telling you now, that you are "mine", so to speak.

Meaning.......... you got me.........and from here on out, I will allow the inner to be as vulnerable as possible, to unleash anything that needs to run, or express, or to just "be", with you.

I don't say that as if you are privileged, but in a sense, it is. Not that I am something special, but that YOU are special enough, for this little soul, to let you in, when it isn't easily allowed.

There are many different masks that we wear, but when the day is over, and we go home and look at ourselves in the mirror, we know, by looking into our own eyes, that this is the real deal. What you actually see, is something huge! It is something that YOU have created!

Who are we? What are we doing? Are we where we want to be? And are we comfortable with how we are, as humans beings, in our actions, our service, our particular line of work. Is it congruent to how we see the bigger picture for ourselves?

Are we, in fact, truly happy?

I don't want to get off on any tangents, but.............

Of course, I can, so easily!

There are no rules, in a huge part of my world, which lends for a very optimistic lifestyle, outside of what the "supposed" to be's are. If I lived in ALL of the "supposed" to be's, I'm not sure if I would have a noose around my neck, or would have committed hairy cairy by now.

I am grateful for good ol' America, the land of Freedom, in many ways!

OK, so I didn' t have a birthday party............. then you all get THIS!

It's OK, I'm laughing!

Do wachoo wanna do!

No matter the time, date, or occassion, and by all means, don't feel guilty!! You have one life to feel good, to feel settled and content, according to YOU.

Only YOU, can say, exactly, what that means.

I support your individuality, and will always raise my glass to the ones who figure out, at least to some extent, who they are, and stay true to that, against all odds!!

Loving you tonight,
and always,

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