Friday, November 13, 2009


......... bee bop around, just going wherever you feel like going. In one store, in another, looking around, for no reason at all. Looking at all of the new things that are out, catching up on whats new, what's eclectic, all different kinds of goodies that are so worth buying, but it's like being in a candy store..........

But, that is not the best thing.......... I can shop and buy all the things I want for me, but that isn't as fun, as looking around for someone else. Not even having any one in mind, but when you look around, certain things just shout out names.

I never go out, really, and tonight I went to so many different stores. It was my day off, and I said the heck with it, I never do this, so lets just go where the car takes me, and it was so fun! I feel so devoid of normal things like that.

Thinking of someone and what they may like is sort of like art. You can draw, paint, conjour, write, or do whatever it is that expresses how you feel, but they may not get why, or how, or the reasoning behind it all, unless maybe you tell them, which isn't half as fun, as someone opening something and going, AHH...........COOL! And they get it!

I saw so many things for so many people that I love and care about. I wish I was able to buy every little thing that I saw, for every person that I thought of. I love giving gifts because it just plain ol' feels good to think of the people you love, the people that stick out in your mind, and really, just the ones that spontaneously come up, because you know those people are the ones that have done something, or said something significant that sort of gives away the key to your least mine anyway!

Call me corny, but when I used to have spare time, haha, one of my favorite shows was Oprah!

My favorite ones were when she would give away homes, or give away things to people who really needed it, or just random things that people weren't able to do, or have, or just normal people living everyday life that had a dream or a desire of some sort. She made their dreams come true, and that right there, if I were to really have a goal, it would be that!!

I would like to have extra money, to be able to GIVE, GIVE AND GIVE..........GIVE AWAY!!

That makes my heart sing! It makes me soar inside, to think that someone who doesn't have something, will be able to have it if I can provide it! Uhhh!

That is a whole subject in and of itself, and it pains me that I am not in a position to do it right now.

I pan on being in Africa, and seeing the kids go nuts over the candy that I brought. I brought bags amongst bags of candy. You just stand there and pass out tiny wrapped candies, and they hold their tiny little hands out as if it were gold you were giving them.


It gives more to ME, to GIVE to YOU!

So, as it may seem nice or sweet to receive from me, please, just know that in thinking of you, alone, it was the utmost pleasure, to me, to be able to give you something from thought, and heart. It never really is, about the gift, at all. It is just an excuse to tell you, somehow, that you are incredibly special, and a gift, and probably words, will never be sufficient, to express my gratitude for you.

The words or gift are usually just a lazy mans way of expressing love, in some form or fashion.

Some people are afraid of that expression. Many people are afraid for you to express genuine love, with words, that are potent and expressive of the heart. It really isn't the norm, which is sad to me, so when someone DOES express love, in the many facets that can be expressed, people coil up and don't know what to do with it. No motive, just hay, thanks, or hay, you are appreciated, and loved, too! No biggie!

Greet it! Meet it at the door! And open your arms, for it will be the most welcoming gift you will ever receive.


It is called a gift, for a reason.

Unwrap and enjoy!

I love you all!


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