Monday, November 2, 2009


........ Legs wide open, arms wide open.........

What do you want to change up?

Are you healthy? Need to be more healthy?

Wanna take a trip?


End, or begin a relationship?


YOU HAVE TIME........... even if it is for 5 minutes.

We can take that time. Even if it is monitored.

Who cares, right? Whatever works!

I'm gonna leave it like that tonight, since that is what worked for me today.


It CAN be..........that easy!!

I'm a big fat love bug tonight.

I'm going to bed semi early, and want to dream good thoughts. ( I said that at 10, but time passes quickly writing)

I love all of you, and as much as I am supporting you............ it supports me, you!! Kinda like, "HELP ME...........HELP ...........YOU"............ That stupid Jerry McGuire saying has made it's way into my system............ but is useful........... definitely useful.

How funny, this life is!

I love you guys, you know I do!

P.S. Holidays are coming. Don't give in to guilt shopping and going broke for accolades!

Just an FYI.

Make something for someone. Don't buy crazy gifts. Isn't it getting a bit passe'?

Get creative........send a love note from the heart. That will get you further than a request fulfilled from hints for months, before the 12th month, 25th day.

Get eclectic. It gets you far!

Just an FYI.


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