Friday, November 13, 2009


OK, well, we all know what we are good at, what comes easy, and what is second nature to us. Easy shmeezy, not a problem, right?

So why wouldn't we just stay all cozy and comfy right there, where it feels good, something you know, and that does come easy, and make for great days??!! No?

I think that is all well and good, if you want to stay stagnant, and not grow that much, if not, at all!

You know, I never went to college. It was my preference, and I knew that early in my middle school years, that I wouldn't choose college, for the most part. I did want to be an architect, badly, designing homes, from the inside out. But right along side of that I adored the culinary arts, and had an amazing passion for food, people and wine. Hmm, build homes or cook amazing food, pair it with some good wine, and while I'm at it, sit with some great people and enjoy it all, whether I cooked it or not. Maybe do it in a home that I designed??

I decided not to go to college, probably in the 10th grade. They tried to coerce me, and I didn't want to be like every other kid that said," Yes, guidance counselor, I will go", even if I don't know what I want. I just want to make my parents happy, and so maybe I will just take a business course.

I could have done that, but examined it and said, no, I really don't want to do that.

I had other loves as well, which was Nutrition and Wellness, Personal Training, or Bodybuilding, and the Arts.

Wow, what does one do with all of those interests?

To stay on track, I pan back on my day, and see where I am at.

I am, once again, in the restaurant business. One I cannot seem to "escape".

I think it is so a part of me, in every way you can think of.

What doesn't make sense are the things that come along with the territory of being in the restaurant business, that maybe don't come so easy.

You think, GOD I LOVE COOKING OR SERVING OR DOING THIS OR THAT.......the people, the this, the that...........

I have worked for myself most of my life, doing what I love, and never did I think that the things that I am doing now, would have to be a part of something so pure and natural, as having a love for food, serving it, being a part of the people, their experiences, and how they are affected by my food, or direction of it, in some way.

I am not cooking now, but am in a situation where I am in the restaurant business, but on a completely different end that what I had planned, or visualized for myself.

Maybe I was thinking small at the time, in all of my ignorance, and or, innocence, knowing I just wanted to execute some good food, throw some people together, drink good wine, and raise the glass to honor the sacredness of the food, and the coming together of like minds. A lot of laughs, from the gut, ya know? Good eaters, good talkers, and by all means, people with humor who could sit and eat, and not be bothered by the small things. Just pass the carafe' and we're all good! Maybe the bowl of pasta too, that would help.

Where I am now, is learning the outset of all of that, which IS COMFORTABLE to me, even if it is just bringing the food to the table, or checking on the customers, or just having great service, to the best of my knowledge. WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU??

My mom taught me well.

I suddenly am learning the "behind the scenes" stuff, that maybe doesn't come so natural. As a matter of fact, it stretches my soul to the limits. Numbers, calculating, paper work, computers, inventory.........and the list goes on.

A must for the person in charge, I get it!

Hay, how did I get here?

I do realize I asked for this, in several different ways, but, again, I know when we ask for things, it doesn't necessarily mean it will show up in the perfect box that we envisioned.

I feel as if I have been thrown into a pool of the unknowing, but at the same time, and excited to be learning something that I know is great! It just doesn't come easy to me, in any way shape or form.

I ask a million times, the same thing, over and over, so I will hopefully get it.

It is, for sure, a stretching of my soul. Like a snake shedding his skin, slowly, and I imagine it to be painful, in the process, but once the skin is shed, the snake more than likely feels rejuvenated, now that it has shed the OLD, and is embracing the NEW.

When we are thrown out of our element, it is such a vulnerable place to be, and even if we want to embrace it, it always, of course, comes along with things that we have to see, fears to overcome, and ways to stretch to be something different, to learn something different, and to also, teach these new ways, as you are learning them yourself.

This is a huge subject to bite off tonight, but what I do want to say is, THERE IS A REASON FOR EVERYTHING!

We cannot be in any place that we are, in the present moment, without having asked for it, at some point or another. (Be careful what you ask for).

If we look for those gems, we will be more prone to hang in, to see, YES, this IS something I asked for, and then embrace it, and try to do the best you can to learn it, to apply, and to see a new way, period! One that will more than likely serve you in time to come. Part of your "pie in the sky", so to speak.

It may stretch you to limits that feel crazy, and not comfortable, but hay.......... if you don't see it as a blessing in disguise, than you better high tail it outa there. Do a bit of homework and maybe it will all pan out. Maybe not the way you envisioned, but eclectic enough to know that maybe your dreams and desires were, or are being fulfilled in some alternative way.

Nothing............. is ever as it seems!


Stretch yourself to learn, to embrace, and be at the mercy of this precious moment, that will never present itself like this, again.

Seize your moments, and do with them, what you will, to fill in the empty gaps that seem to be taking up so much mind space in your head.

Touche my friends.

I'm here, and you........are there!

That makes for a good long distance relationship!


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