Monday, November 30, 2009


That living so precisely in the moment has, surprisingly, left me bewildered, and a host of other words that could describe tons of emotion that would go along with living MOMENT TO MOMENT, in every aspect of my life.

I used to ace this kind of living, feel so free, and light hearted. Things change with the amount of responsibility you have, and too, I just think we try to cling more, as we get older, to some sort of security. The thing is, is that, I know all too well, that the "security" is masked with so many other things, that I just can't buy into it whole hearted. I just can't!

Over the years, I have embraced practicality, conservatism, (I'd have to spell that out for you, since every one who knows me would never think that that word would even seep into my world at all), trying to balance right brain, left brain, and too, just trying to lasso the aspects of certain ways of thinking, into my realm, that just don't come that easy for "someone like me."

Ya know, it's not like I came into this world, literally, asking for my personality to be a certain way. I was born, and here I am, with this very specific personality, and then I have to go and unravel the whys and hows, and let me tell ain't that easy having a personality that seeks the Truth in every God given situation. To have a personality that wants to question your very existence every day, every moment, my god, can be very intense, and for the most part, I love it, and would have it no other way, but too, It can be so intense , even for my own self, trust me!

Wow, I said it!! I've never really said that before!

What I have said is, "If I ever have a child I hope that she/he is not born under the sign of Scorpio.

Don't laugh! I believe whole hearted in signs, and how their specific personalities are, the way they are, because of when they were born, and how everything is aligned up there. It all makes sense, but too, no matter when you were born, the time, and anything else that can seem matter of fact, I too, know that, no matter what, we have the ability to overcome any situation, any personality, any, any thing. So........go figure. Gear up for the challenge is what I say.

There can be solid facts about anything.............anything.............. you name it, and I say.............. you can overcome anything!!!!!!

It is a hard subject, as it brings my mothers health. life, and death, to light.

We ARE WHAT WE BELIEVE TO BE! Living moment to moment brings all sorts of things to the forefront. Truly! It can be that you are out of money. It could be that your doctor just told you, you have cancer, that you have a certain amount of time to live, that you are going to be homeless............the scenarios can go on, and they are all real. The people you work with, are homeless........some! I know this! You would never know. Some people look like they have it all goin' on, and guess what................MOMENT TO MOMENT! They don't know what their life will be like tomorrow, or the next day. How do we actually acclimate to that way of UNCERTAINTY? Is it about reading a certain book, praying in a certain way, trusting in the Universe, or just doing or being, in the way that resonates with you, and you only? Do any of us really have the answers? Who says that what is good for the goose, is good for the gander? You might need to chase butterflies for a living, and I might need to work at a construction site. We just don't know, do we? You may go to college for one thing, and here you are doing something completely opposite that. Who knew? Go pay off your college tuition............ for the next 10 years......... who knew, right? I could go on and on. This IS a very detailed, personal, subject. If you always live your life moment to moment, there is a specific guidance that comes along with it. It's not for everyone, that trust. You have to actually get acclimated to it, and then you are like, "how did I ever live differently?" Test yourself! Live MOMENT TO MOMENT, not caring about how the next moment will turn out. And, if it turns out completely different than what you had "expected", will you be OK with it, or will you be so pissed off that things didn't go accordingly? Jump on the other side for awhile. It is different, but exhilarating, to say the least. I dare you, and too, dare myself, to keep fresh, alive and oh so riske' in this very, precise, MOMENT IN TIME. JUMP! GO! TAKE RISKS ACCORDING TO YOUR OWN DIVINE INTUITION, AND DON'T QUESTION IT EVER AGAIN, AFTER THAT. JUST JUMP! I LOVE YOU ALL............. AND TOO........... ME! We're all kinda cool in our little "suits".

You either choose to live, or choose to give in! And too, there are the situations that really ARE, out of our control, and we heed the warning, and live accordingly, to the best of our ability, to love, embrace, and grab a hold of what life really is, in it's raw form, and try to mold it to an understanding that will be ok no matter where we are, whether it is here, or at our bed side, ready to embrace the true unknown, the "other side", where there truly is, no turning back, just a memory of a life that was given to us, for teachings that we hopefully have understood, and too, that we can move on with, to supersede our understanding of THIS LIFE, and use it in another capacity, to improve upon our consciousness, on this plane, and hopefully, hopefully some good mailman will deliver the message that this is all PRIORITY MAIL, and it will get delivered as utmost importance, to "someone", "someone" that really, and truly gets it.

That is our only hope.

At least mine anyway!

Love beyond words............. always, always..............

Thank you for this beautiful life!

Living moment to moment brings all sorts of things to the forefront. Truly!

It can be that you are out of money. It could be that your doctor just told you, you have cancer, that you have a certain amount of time to live, that you are going to be homeless............the scenarios can go on, and they are all real.

The people you work with, are homeless........some! I know this! You would never know.

Some people look like they have it all goin' on, and guess what................MOMENT TO MOMENT! They don't know what their life will be like tomorrow, or the next day.

How do we actually acclimate to that way of UNCERTAINTY?

Is it about reading a certain book, praying in a certain way, trusting in the Universe, or just doing or being, in the way that resonates with you, and you only?

Do any of us really have the answers?

Who says that what is good for the goose, is good for the gander?

You might need to chase butterflies for a living, and I might need to work at a construction site.

We just don't know, do we?

You may go to college for one thing, and here you are doing something completely opposite that. Who knew?

Go pay off your college tuition............ for the next 10 years......... who knew, right?

I could go on and on.

This IS a very detailed, personal, subject.

If you always live your life moment to moment, there is a specific guidance that comes along with it.

It's not for everyone, that trust.

You have to actually get acclimated to it, and then you are like, "how did I ever live differently?"

Test yourself!

Live MOMENT TO MOMENT, not caring about how the next moment will turn out. And, if it turns out completely different than what you had "expected", will you be OK with it, or will you be so pissed off that things didn't go accordingly?

Jump on the other side for awhile.

It is different, but exhilarating, to say the least.

I dare you, and too, dare myself, to keep fresh, alive and oh so riske' in this very, precise, MOMENT IN TIME.


I LOVE YOU ALL.............
AND TOO...........

We're all kinda cool in our little "suits".


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