Tuesday, November 24, 2009


It's such a turn on to me, to watch people enjoying each other. Just being simple, yet with taste.

You see a table full of Europeans, and you know that there will be some heavy duty smiles, some guttural laughs, a visual art to their attire, and food, without a doubt, being their COMPLIMENT to the occasion, not, by any means, the REASON FOR the occasion. A mere excuse to tighten all loose ends, and maybe to find a solid time........dinner, probably, being the round about hour.

I was on my walk today, and for some reason I started thinking about European women, and why they look so attractive most of the time.

I'm not going straight for the......."Yea, because they ride their bikes or walk everywhere to get their baguettes"......that is more than obvious.

So, I'm walking and for what reason this subject loomed in my conscious, I don't know, but as always, I just grab what the ether's send me and expound on it, if need be.

Need be followed me home and to my computer.

That is the beauty of art. Impetuous as it is. It shows up, tells you something, and you just don't question it. You follow the call, and see what the end result is, whenever that time may come.

It could be the end of a nightly blog, it could be the start of a long awaited novel, it could be the third scene in your script........... a painting in the works........... and maybe you just brushed those few strokes that came to you, but........... they were strokes, at least...........better than none, right?

So....... as I walked home I thought, why, really are women in Europe so attractive? Well, I'm sure there are a myriad of answers, but the first image that came to me was a table full of women, and they were all gathered together, looking stunning, elegantly dressed, and extremely comfortable in their skin.

I immediately panned on the setting and the table that they were sitting at. It dawned on me.

I saw them all almost "politely" touching the plates of food, taking just a bit here, and a bit there, and actually enjoying the small bites of food that were prepared. Maybe a sip of wine here, and a sip of wine there...........(later gulping, I'm sure! My visual does expand a great deal more, but we'll save that for another book, not a short blog).

In essence, I see food, with them, as icing on the cake to whatever gathering they might attend. It is not, by any means, the focal point, and generally, if it is, it is to appreciate the beauty in which it was prepared and presented.

Hors d'oeuvres, light meals, lots of vegetables and reasonable amounts of food. You will almost always find fresh fruit brightening up the table. Always noticeable. So visually sensual, that you can't wait to go straight to the nearest grocery store just to stock up on fresh fruit. Call me crazy, I know what I'm talkin' about!

Fruit never tasted so good.

The beautiful thing about this is...... they are enjoying each other, first and foremost, while dabbling in the background pleasures. Wine is poured graciously, and there it is, a night of enjoying each other around beautiful, gorgeous, food, sharing laughs, stories, and anything else that will deepen your experience of life, love and get togethers.

There is no sitting at the table, gorging yourself, with hardly a breath to be had, watching TV, going back and forth to the microwave, downing a six pack of diet coke,or beer, waiting for The Simpson's to come on.

Walks afterward, enjoying the night air, enjoying the sky.......... an arm and arm stroll.

I just saw how different we are here.

Why America, too, is in a huge state of depression, and why, we, out of everyone, are the most obese, unfit, and unhealthy.

It saddens me.

There is a fine tuning that needs to happen.

To maybe stop a bit, or, at best, acknowledge, every once in awhile, what the heck we are putting in our mouths, where it comes from, how fortunate we are to even have that crop, that water, or that great coffee, from Africa, that we spend $120.00 dollars a month for at Starbucks.
Any idea what goes into that?

Vegetables and food are energy, not supposed to be depleting, in any way shape or form.

To be enjoyed, not inhaled. To be shared, and appreciated, for what they are, how they sustain us, and how we can make our little vessels vibrant and alive with the simple stuff.

Eat sparingly, and sensibly. Feel light.......... not heavy!

Feel good, not drugged.

Look good, as if you care!

I'm not saying don't have fun. I would never say that in a million years. I'm all about it.

I just saw that picture today, and it was so incredible. It is what I love, in so many aspects, but that is just for me.

The beauty of it all, the distance from food, enough to acknowledge it for it's beauty and sustenance, and that it feeds these bodies well. Well enough to keep us going pretty strong, I'd say.

Food and people are a match. Laughing and enjoying, while WITH food and people, are a total match.

Acknowledging the whole of it all, is, by all means, a beautiful love making.

Enjoy your next meal!

I'm off to the grocery store for that fruit I was talkin' about.......


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