Friday, November 6, 2009


Ya know, life brings us some pretty shitty situations. It doesn't matter if you "attracted it" or "not attracted it"......... the bottom line is, when it finally shows up, you look at it and go..........WOW......... life is pretty interesting........ or maybe it's more like............ WOW, THAT IS PRETTY F....... UP! Is that more like it? Maybe I'll just speak for myself, and continue writing.

Sorry, you should all know by now, I'm East coast, and certain words are just there........... no offense or disrespect in any way, I promise!

I think one key element in moving forward is WILLINGNESS.

The willingness to just be OPEN, and to do what is needed, even if it is uncomfortable, or uncharted territory, or something that may take some practice, and diligence.

It will all be OK. I can attest to that, whole hearted.

I think uncharted territory has it's value, and can stay in your good graces, if you are SMART, AND you LET IT!

The "UNKNOWN", "UNCHARTED TERRITORY".......... The know there are a gazillion names for the one thing that makes us all feel uncomfortable , yet satiated, in some weird way or another.

It is, for sure, in my eyes, the absolute, blessing, of all blessings, in disguise! (mostly in retrospect, but, if I can be honest enough, my own long haul has given me the gift of seeing things in a more "timely" kind of way, where the consequences aren't so catastrophic.

Now, some people I know will look at that statement and say, "REALLY?" Than shoot, "what IS catostrophic to you?"

Life is a series of events, and hopefully, within each one, you grow a bit, and learn, and make different decisions along the way. That, to me, is the learning process. Sometimes we don't get it all in one swallow, so we have to take a few more gulps to get it. Burp a few times and get through the digestion process.


If I don't grind my head to the millstone, and I just become plain ol' willing............. there is an emptiness that happens, and soon, I am filled with a great source of information that, if objective enough, can be applied in the most intelligent way. The key word here is OBJECTIVE. It takes a lot to come out of our cocoons and to see things from a birds eye view. To me, actually, it takes some pretty amazing separateness and some humbleness to objectify and apply, something to and for, ourselves. You almost have to not care about so many other things that seem "important", to be able to spend the time to get the most simple, yet complex equations. To really digest them in their most pure form! One person places importance on one certain thing, and another, on something else, that maybe you could ever really care less about. So life goes. We are all so different. No one is better than the other. Know that! Hopefully we all stay willing to be happy, amongst all of the muck, and craziness, and that we are able to support each other from a genuine place of love. If not? We always have ourselves, and our own cheer leading party. Just don't ask me to giggle like they do............ I'll kick my legs in the air, I'll do splits, but please........don't make me giggle, like "they" do. Ha.........I made you smile! If that's all that has occurred tonight, it would be a perfect night! I appreciate all of you, and your love towards me, your care, and your humor, that makes my day light, amongst my growing spurts, and all else that may follow under that category.

Ok, I may have gone off on some tangent, but ce' la vie".

I think the point is made.


That is so for me too!

It all is!

You all are just conduits, so I should be thanking you!

Goodnight my sweet friends.

Thank you for being in my life!


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