Saturday, November 21, 2009


Sometimes you go and go and go, and you look at your schedule and say, "When do I have off and what am I going to do?"

The days go by so fast, there is very little time, and you start thinking of all of the things on your wish list that you can do.

Of course that means in every category.

Well, I have off so I can sleep in..........oh god, to sleep in is soooo nice, make coffee, cook breakfast, get all of my laundry done at this time, relax and do nothing from yada yada, to yada yada, read, sometime in there, walk the dogs, clean the house, go shopping, make phone calls, do emails, cook..........soon enough, your exhausted again, and you are right back where you started! I'm exhausted just writing about it, let alone doing it.

What happened to the good ol' days when doing a double feature was part of my every week?
Eating popcorn, getting excited that I was getting to see all of the movies that were new.
I am a huge film buff, and for me not to go to a movie is the sin amongst sins.

I haven't been to a movie in over 8 months. Which, of course means............I haven't had any popcorn in 8 months either.

What is wrong with this picture?

They say it is all about balance right? Maybe it is the choice I am making to stay home with my babies since I don't get much of a chance to see them?! I don't think the movie theatre would appreciate my choice of "dates". They would have to come equipped with better seats. My dogs are used to comfort!

There are some things I savor and that make me feel good. Movies are one, and "love letters" are another. That could come in the form of this blog, or writing to someone you care about, or just plain ol' writing poetry.

It soothes my soul like no other.

There is nothing better than executing your heart onto paper, and knowing you let it all out. Especially if you let someone know how you felt, or feel about them. It is a huge catharsis, and an ultimate joy, at the same time.

What are the things that make you bubble up? How come you aren't doing them? Do we need to take inventory on our balancing sheets? I know I do. I need to do some configuring, throw away my guilt papers that say, "You can't go out", your dogs have been in for 10 hours". You need to take them for walks.

It is true. They are my priority, but I still think it would be nice to get out.

My "bubbling up" is simple.

Of course it wouldn't be too shabby if I rented a movie and had someone cook me dinner. I might have to send a flyer out for that one.

That would be bubbly. Someone actually cooking for me!

Now that isn't for anyone to feel sorry or start offering to cook for me. Y'all know what I mean when I say that right?

Super woman would like to sit and enjoy for a bit.

Ahh! There, I said it!

Let's find what we love doing the most and absolutely make the time to fit it in, no matter what it seems like, so we can sort of catch up with ourselves, start balancing out our lives, so we don't feel so closed off and isolated.

It shouldn't be all work and no play makes us unhappy campers.

I'm all for stirring up the pot and making things happen.

How do we squeeze relaxing, doing, and making things happen, in one day?

It's all a juggling act.

Look, I hate doing books.

I never joined the circus because I never thought I was good at juggling, but here I am, doing books, juggling my life, and uhhh............. where to next?

This is not what I signed up for, yet some voice in there is telling me, "Yes you did".

Maybe I need to visualize a huge bucket of popcorn, buttered lightly, with a tad bit of salt, bring a note pad , sneak in a love letter or two, and head to the theatre for a double feature!

I think I may be onto something..............


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