Tuesday, November 10, 2009


...........STICK WITH IT!!

Don't get discouraged just because you are in a completely different place than that particular vision.

I'm learning, that life is a series of events, and in those events are processes that we need to go through.

I know we want them to come to fruition much quicker than they are, but the key is, TO NOT LOSE TOUCH WITH THAT VISION. It is a must to keep it fresh in your mind, no matter what comes up!

We have to keep our dreams alive!!

Dreams are not things that are "OUT THERE", and you kind of look at them as if they are so far away that it kinda "sounds good", but in all reality, it probably won't happen.

NOT, NOT, NOT, AND....................NOT!!!

You can truly have anything you want!!

Nothing is the "PIE IN THE SKY".

You really CAN have ANYTHING YOU WANT, so long as you keep that vision fresh in your mind, everyday, cultivating an energy that says nothing other than, "IT WILL HAPPEN"!

Look, we can do all the "right" things, and maybe it still looks bleak, but the things that you want WILL COME, if you believe that they WILL come!

Do whatever you can to take the steps to figure out the plan to get there. Do whatever you can in your spare time to cultivate a good attitude, and one that will enable you to take the necessary steps forward to actually achieve things on the road to your final destination.

It is not easy, and it may not come right away. But you CANNOT GIVE UP.............. It is a must that you plunge forward, as hard as it gets, to make it to one more thing on the list, that will take you that much closer to your goal.

Like I said, "Life is a series of events". That is just the way it is.

Don't give up on your Faith!!

Do whatever........... make a list......... make mental notes, be an opportunist.......... be BOLD!

If you have an opening somewhere, go for it. Call them, her, him, it.............whatever it is............. be on the look out for an opportunity that will get you that much closer to the land of OZ.

Along the Yellow Brick Road of your life, there will be many obstacles, but there will always be "someone" there to guide you directly to where you want to go. Look for the "good witches", and truly listen to what they have to say, because it will be right on, and maybe even against your own train of thought, but it will, I PROMISE, take you ..........straight.............to...........that land of OZ that is patiently awaiting your return.

It will, indeed, be worth the long and winding road!

Stay Open.

And Trust!

Love is hidden in every corner, even if it looks ugly!

Please trust me on this one!

I love you so much!


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