Saturday, November 7, 2009


Just when you think you have a solid plan, and something that may work out in some area of your life, plan A gets squelched, so hopefully, plan B is in motion, or at least your mind set for plan A is flexible so that you don't fall too hard when it doesn't happen, or work out the way you would have liked it to.

To me, you can wish upon a star, and hope for the best results, but really, who is to REALLY SAY, what the absolute best result SHOULD BE?!

I'm learning that what I want, may not necessarily be what I get!

It may sound good and look good, but man, sometimes it just does this big twist, and you wonder what you REALLY PUT OUT THERE IN THE ETHER'S, because obviously, in thought, there was something just a bit different than what actually occurred.

I am going to get my PHD in THOUGHT PROCESS and how we attract the things that we want, and for sure, what we don't want, depending on how our thoughts are portrayed.

DO I REALLY WANT A ROOMMATE? NO! But I go about this process the way I "SHOULD", and I do all of the right things, but the energy inside of ME???


I honestly and genuinely want my life to run smoothly, and do what I need to do to get to the next phase, but energetically, I almost cannot help where those feelings lye. They are the true feelings and energy inside of me, so how can that NOT get transposed into my life??

You can go and do and try to the best you can, according to "rules" or ways in which you think are accurate or right on, whether it be from a book, the Bible, some scriptures, whichever it may be, but in my own small opinion (maybe it isn't so small), I think that no matter what way you WANT TO HAVE THINGS WORK OUT, your energy and where your thoughts lye, will inevitably come to fruition, and then, you will have to take out your notebook, to see exactly how you created that, and from what thoughts, and if it isn't conducive, you'd better figure out how it, or those situations got there, so you can make good for the next trip around!

It may sound as if I am talking in tongues, but really? It is a smart road, and one to get a bit more privy to, not just for you, although I do want that for you, but for me............ how can I share all of this and not have an experience with this all?

I used to say to an old boyfriend of mine who always had a plan, down to the wire, every morning when he woke up.

I'm going to do this, and then that, and after that, I'll do this, and it will be a great day, just as I planned.

I'd laugh to myself and say, "God forbid he gets a flat tire", hahah. No, really, it's true!

So one day, he left the house, and he planned to go shopping, do this and that, and all he wanted to do on his day off, was to go play basketball. Well, ( I still laugh my butt off), because he called and said he had gotten a flat tire, and he was ssssssooooooooooooo IRATE!


I said, "Aww, I'm sorry, but maybe there was a reason for it".

He didn't warm up to that answer because he was too pissed to acknowledge any kind of Truth in it.

I get that too, from both sides.

Like tonight.

Who knows why certain things didn't work out?

Energy is a huge part of what we attract and don't attract.

If there is a situation playing out, and you find yourself saying, Hmmm, why is this happening? What did I do to attract this? You should probably know that your thoughts were in alignment with whatever transpired, or else, it just, truly, would not be there.

I hate to sound so cliche' is............THE LAW OF ATTRACTION.

You attract the scenarios that you focus upon. You get what you focus your thoughts on, and then, we, as the "ignorant" people that we "are", say, Why did that happen?

Why? Because you plotted and planned that scenario in your head, at some point and time, or just in passing thought, which, by the way, is nothing to sneeze at.

I am not trying to be cliche, again, but really, BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU ASK FOR, BECAUSE IT WILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL COME TO YOU!!!

Don't act surprised OK? Just don't!

Be aware, see how you did call it in, and maybe you won't figure out why, right away, but at least see similarities, or ways in which that you COULD HAVE called it in, and play with why??? Why did I call that in.

It gets interesting, and you can try to play Scrabble, or at least put the puzzle together, the one that looks like you, on the coffee table, waiting for you to finish the picture.

I'm onto myself, in a big way!

Time to meditate!

I love you dearly! I think you know that!


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