Saturday, December 12, 2009


No, is!!

I don't think a lot of people truly embrace their time alone. Maybe they do if it is for a weekend or two, but not long term. I think they start thinking of when they will find a significant other, when they will have sex again, when they will be able to have someone to share things with on a regular basis.

All valid, and true, to what your needs are, and what you are experiencing.

I happen to love my alone time, and almost cannot see having someone rain on my parade, but too, wish, only in certain moments, that maybe a certain someone would be here, for me to cook for, massage, go for walks with, laugh with, watch good movies, me make yummy desserts, or fun things to munch on............. tuck someone in, read to someone..............

Those ARE fun things, and things that I completely enjoy...............BUT.........

Without it, life is grand...........and there is so much to be said about being alone, with your own time, your own schedule, your own everything.............. it is almost too good to be true!

I would have to sit and really think about some sort of balance that could happen because being along has so much to offer, and I cannot imagine going to work, and coming home after a long day, with noise, and people, and then starting a new cycle with a person that "needed" something from me.

Who knows? Maybe they wouldn't need a thing, and all I would have to do is come home and enjoy?

It is the most intricate subject, and balancing act, that I am not sure I have aced that circus act yet.

It is so delicate, and you really have to be devoted, in my eyes, to really make something gel, so genuinely, and comfortably.

And that is saying that we are honest now. Most people won't be honest, and they say it is all good, but really............ they are just not happy.

How do you feel in your alone time? Are you really happy? Can you be OK with yourself? Are you wishing someone else was there with you to fill up the time?

Or are you on my end, where you love your alone time so much that it is hard to imagine someone there, doing this and that with you?

There isn't one better than the other, but for sure, both ends are good, and it really just depends on what you gravitate towards.

My wish is that everyone get cozy within themselves, and then no matter if someone enters your life, or not, you are fine, and happy.

You, are your own icing on the cake.

Now, if someone wants to bring another flavor to the table then OK..............but at least you aren't waiting for that "someone" to bring one particular flavor, and then that is it.............and then if it doesn't work out, you freak out!

That is NOT what I am talking about.

What I am talking about is.........

Be yourself, no matter how it looks.

Make yourself happy in your alone time.

Laugh, sing, dance, do whatever, but know that it is your own joy that makes YOU HAPPY. Not someone else, and not someone elses package.

Check yourself out when you are alone. See if it is something that you like, and then make a date with yourself.

Compare it to what you think you need or want.

I bet your thoughts change, IF you give it ample time to digest, and to really think about what you love and what comes first.

I actually want y'all to consider being alone for awhile, and journaling what it is like to be totally alone, carefree, and doing whatever it is that you love and enjoy most.

Get back to me. I am whole heartedly interested.

Have a great night.


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