Sunday, December 13, 2009


So much of the time we are wanting something, or craving something, or just, in general, desiring to get from A to B, and are stuck in our own little heads, with our own routines, schedules, and ideas of where or what we should be doing.

What if we took half of that energy, maybe even a quarter of it, and thought about something we could do for someone else?

It doesn't have to be anything crazy. It could be helping the lady at the grocery store who is struggling with her cart and the groceries, and you go over and help her out. Stuff like that is where people go home and say.......... wow, what a little angel, that couldn't have come at a better time, or something like that, you know what I'm saying.

This is by no means for you to set out for the day to go get brownie points, or a star on your forehead. It just really takes you out of yourself, to do for other people every once in awhile, and I tell you, it frees your mind of any kind of worry, or fears that are so readily available to tell you how you can't do this or can't do that, or whatever your case might be.

There is a very specific, amazing, sensation that fills me when I can be that person, who is able to help in some way, no matter what it is.

I made friends with an 80 year old woman the other day when she needed help in the grocery store. She thought I worked there, (that does happen a lot, it's funny), and so we got to talking, and soon her grocery cart was full with Italian goodies, enough for a great meal for her family, we shared recipes, gave each other contact information, and I wound up taking her to the check out line, put up all of her groceries, and walked her out to her car.

I swear, it was a day in heaven for me, to be able to connect with her like that. Who she was, I didn't know, but there is a certain spark that happens, and it doesn't even matter WHO, OR WHY.........IT JUST IS...........and there you have it.............LIFE..........outside of our nucleus that is so darn entrenched with thoughts about this, and thoughts about that.

I am so ready to chunk all of that out the window, and throw caution to the wind.

It makes me feel so much more whole, than to masturbate dead thoughts that make you feel like you are drowning in quick sand half the time.

I am full of life today, and full inside, with the simple stuff that makes my life so worthwhile.

What can we do for someone else today?

Not just today, but everyday..............

What a clean feeling............

My heart is ablaze.

Have a wonderful day. It is so, so beautiful out!

as always,

1 comment:

  1. Gabriela , you are a TRUE gift from god my friend I am so proud to be called fried :) Love you ! Samie
