Tuesday, December 8, 2009


How often do you actually bare your raw, raw selves, with words, or actions, that bring you to the very precise moment in your evolution, that tells you a story about yourself?

You somehow get to look at your life objectively, and get to scope out just how you are, and how it is impacting your life, your surrounding life, and the people in it.

In baring your soul, you leave yourself so wide open for so many things. Scrutiny, judgement, love, reciprocated, or..... no answer at all!

No matter what the outcome you are willingly putting yourself out there for any of the above, and more.

You almost have to be ready for anything if you are that willing to express your soul, so intimately, and so boldly.

You can't just put yourself out there, and then anticipate your own wants and desires to come forth, without thinking WHO you are baring yourself to.

It is a huge crap shoot!

Love is risky..........so incredibly risky!

I'm not sure whether it is better to reveal all, and go along with whatever emotion gets evoked, and deal with THAT, or, to not reveal it, and just guess, in your head, as to what someone may or may not say? One screams safety net, and the other, of course, is screaming risk taker, and fool! Yes, fool.............. take that how you want to take it.

It's like sizzling on a hot seat, to bare your soul, not knowing, or even hearing how the other person will respond.

Wait a minute, did I just transport myself way back in time, to a similar scenario?

Yes, I think I did.

I'm not surprised!

If you are willing to bare your soul, for one reason or the other, be ready to embrace things that will show up. More than likely, old things, that need to be healed, or just to be woken up in you, for you to remember why they are actually there, and then, you don't have to respond in the same way, as you did back then, or whenever that scenario happened, that seems so familiar.

In some instances, it may seem easier to just put the pillow over your face, and call it a bad dream, but more than likely, you will be "haunted" by that "dream", time and time again, until you aren't afraid of the "monster" in the dark, and you willingly choose to turn on the light switch, to light up the same room that seems so spooked with darkness.

Even though it seems scary, sizzling, or whatever emotion that may arise, I say, "Rise to the occasion", and let your soul speak what it needs.

You'll work things out, don't worry.

Love is peculiar. There is no "right" way to go about speaking it, sharing it, embracing it, giving it, or too, receiving it. Just know that if you want to be free, in your heart, it is best to release the love, and you will surely get a response from "someone" out there, as to how it will affect your particular evolution, or.................NOT!

You may ride on the seat of your pants waiting for a response from someone or something out there, and find that nothing is happening, and then you find yourself utterly disappointed in the Universe, or pissed at "God" for not responding accordingly.

Love and let go..............LOVE...........AND ............LET.............GO..............

After all, when you love, aren't you loving for the sheer joy of...........loving?

If we are waiting for a response, than we are then, not loving................ we are EXPECTING!

The innocence of it all has just then collapsed into a wanting, and the love that was so pure was robbed by a desire to want something in return.

Bare your soul with no expectations!

Receive the gift!

Don't try to change the gift............accept the gift for what it is............... for what..... IT IS..... is there, for you, for a reason, and you surely asked for it, in every way, every last little way, even if it looks like you didn't.

When you bare your soul, "SOMEONE OUT THERE" listens, and gives you what you ultimately need...............



This is a thank you................ a big thank you, for who or whatever decided to talk through me tonight.............

It is exactly what I needed to hear.

I love you guys,

Stay with me.......

It is a ride............

but all will be ok!


1 comment:

  1. hi, I was given this link by a friend. I was afraid of my emotions for so long, but in the last 3-4 years I have just said what I have FELT (not so much what I know/experienced as I used to) about everything at all times. this has brought much pain, but also strength because I am now much more aware of myself and aware that when pain comes from revealing myself that it would have happened anyways...but much farther down the road. I feel more content being an open book and if my heart gets squashed then I get to learn more of myself and others because I know I did/said what I felt/meant...no hiding because of insecurities.

    michael, aka miki, aka PJProudhon
