Thursday, December 31, 2009


Did you ever really think you would make it this far? Don't those numbers look strange kind of?

Somehow a 1 with a zero next to it always makes you stop and have some thought, whether it is one zero, two, three, or more.

When I was a kid, I always said, (as if I'd be living in the Jetsons era), "In the year 2000 I will be 33!!

I truly thought that would be so old and a major milestone.

Little did I know that there would be a million milestones, and that number 33 is no different 10 years later at 43.

Age really is a number, and numbers really ARE just numbers.

I honestly try to live my daily life in the reality of the Christmas', Thanksgiving, Valentines days, and every other holiday that would mean an acknowledgement of sorts, or to celebrate and honor this pretty incredible life that we have, and, with whom.

I don't say that to sound a certain way, or hope to be a certain way. I say that because my life, and the lessons, and people in it, are so darn sacred to me. I mean everyone who makes a difference in my life. I tell them. I honor them and how they show me the way on my path. Not just the great friends, or personalities, but the ones who rub me the wrong way, who make me fight to see the Truth in things, and who make me see my life a little bit different, in case I was hiding out in some cave and didn't see some ancient lesson that I needed to see about MYSELF. Not them, but about myself.

I count my blessings everyday. I'm glad I have this moment right now that I am spending on New Years Eve, doing exactly what I love, not feeling guilty about it, and trying to adjust to my own eclectic style that seems to spell out the same language that I was speaking at age 5, but couldn't claim it as my "own" because we're just not "allowed" that freedom at such young ages.

This day is blessed, just like every other one. If it seems to be an excuse for you to let go of things, or be more of this or more of that with or for someone, to forgive, to renew, to engage, or to participate............. let it be that.............all days are useful and have a purpose. Days like this, and other holidays give us that allowance, and I think we all, for the most part, participate and are able to start a new. At least we try. And if we don't meet up to those "resolutions"........... we have another day, which will always be a "New" year, or new moment, or new slot in this space and time to correct, to mend, to start over, to be able to be compassionate enough with ourselves to know that we are human, with flaws, foibles, and too, with CHOICES that if we don't feel like making a damn New Years Resolution, than so be it! Who was it that deemed this day THE DAY, for us to change or make change in some way. I say MAKE THAT YOUR EVERY DAY CHOICE because you can. Seriously. It all can seems so cliche' but c'mon man.......... we have so many millions of moments. Not just the New Year.

Don't feel obligated to be or do, or have what everyone else is doing or having. Don't feel obligated to go on a diet, do a cleanse, quit smoking, or giving up something. It is a "said" tradition. Just know that you have everyday to become more of who you are, what you don't want to be, or don't want to have. You have glorious moments everyday, so chock full of opportunity to mend broken hearts, forgive someone, buy a gift, make a dinner, say I am sorry, let go of old stuff, lose a few pounds.

Today and every day is the rest of your life, whether if be 2010 or 2020. Trust me. In 2020 you will be along the same lines as you are now, if not close, and you will see that all along you had the incredible opportunity EVERYDAY, to celebrate LIFE, to celebrate the people in your life, to show compassion, to make someone happy, to show your body more love, your self, more love, and to be who you ultimately want to be.

Try not to make it a once a year thing.

Every darn day is a New Opportunity to be more of who we are.


Try not to judge where you are at, and, me too!

Let's get our sparklers out, listen to the fire works, watch the fire works, and let it remind us of the amazing sparks in this time and space that I call Grace.

We have a million things to bow down for, and to give extreme thanks for, and, too, to look at ourselves with the utmost compassion, and allow ourselves to stay right where we are, and to love it with all we have, for we are just mere little souls, growing and learning in a pretty complex playground.

Eat what you want, love with reckless abandon, have fun and don't take life too seriously!

With that said, I have tomorrow off. I think it'll be French Toast and Mimosas. Sheer luxury for a morning off.

All my love to some pretty phenomenal souls.

You make my nights worthwhile!




1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year's to you too Sweetheart! What a crazy crazy year it's been, eh? We are just so glad we made it! Wishing you PEACE for the upcoming 2010. MISS YOU.
