Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I am not sure that I ever really thought, that at this point in my life, I would find myself choosing to live such a simple life.

I am not surprised, though, since the things that I love and are attracted to have been there for as long as I can remember.

It's been kind of odd, over the years, trying to really stay in tune, and in alignment with what I want, with what I love, and not feeling guilty about it.

We are so used to being programmed for every last little thing, that god forbid, anything seems out of the "norm", we get, "Oh, she must be depressed", or "Why on earth would anyone want to spend THAT MUCH TIME ALONE", or it's not healthy to do this or that, or..........and the story goes on. I've strayed from the obligitory "should's and shouldnt's", and found such peace in it, rather than contiuously doing things that really don't fulfill me, but hay, they have fulfilled others expectations of me, so that "should" be good right? NO..... just plain' ol'..... NO to that anymore.

I don't get much time off, and when I do, I go straight for what feels good to me, whether it be hanging out in nature, reading, listening to good music, hiking, being with the dogs, cooking..........

It is so very simple, yet, the unbelievable amount of pleasure that it gives me, is just truly unexplainable!

I do have a very social job, so I do get my fare share of people, and man, I really don't think I could go without that either. People are amazing little creatures, no matter what face they show. At the end of the day, it usually tells you a bit about life, why people are the way they are, and too, a bit more about yourself, and maybe how we are probably just like those people, in one sense or another, in all facets.......good, bad, happy, sad.

If one day, everything failed to work, like our computer systems, TVs, radios, all the I's, like Internet, Iphones, Itunes, Ipods, it would really not bother me one bit. I'd laugh and say thanks for the favor.

Although I do love this modality for writing, and it gets to you, I would still have my pen and paper, my own thoughts, still, just no one to write them to, which is really OK, for the most part.

What would happen if everything all of a sudden got quiet? Nothing to occupy our minds that we think need so much attention and activity?

Could you allow yourself to melt into a silence that maybe you never"heard" of? What would happen if you actually liked it? Would you chalk it up to a once in a lifetime experience, or would you want more?

Do you.......want more? If so, what more........are you looking for?

When you get down to the bare bones, there is a life happening that vibrates on such an exquisite level.

And, it doesn't have to be that you are quiet in the woods.

You can come out of the woods, or wherever you are, and bring that along, and carry it with you during your days.

Sometimes I will be floating around at work, being busy, and doing this or that, and that vibration will stop me, inside, although I am going 90 to nothing, in a whirlwind. It is almost deafening......... the sounds of some sort of phenomenon grabs my attention, and there I am, caught smiling, and happy for "no reason", no reason at all.............

IT gets you to act silly, to smile like crazy, to cheer people up, to skip while you are moving, to be so unedited, and to love from one spot.........and one spot only. Everyone sort of gets a taste of your little secret phenomenon going on inside, and then they just think you are a nice person.

Well, I am a nice person, (thanks mom), but no............ they are getting that spark that's been ignited by the most tender love you will ever know. (and me).

It really is the bare bones of life happening that, unbeknownst to you, gives you life, gives you a glimpse into the unknown, and allows you to peek at a part of yourself that you don't generally see, because you are too busy to give it LIFE, and time to set in "fertile ground".

Take an hour, or two, or more, a day............just stop, and find out what the bare bones are for you. Find out what it does, or what it gives to you.

You may want to invite yourself to dinner, or take yourself out on dates, more often than you do, your own lover.


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