Saturday, December 5, 2009


Yet........ what title can you really put on something so grand as a soul?

How many words can really encompass a true, honest, soul?

At some point you just get silent, and commune with what transpired between you, and a soul.

You silently acknowledge the greatness in that soul, the impact that they made here on this earth, and with all of us here that were lucky enough to be the recipients of such generosity, such innocence, and a love that only comes once in a lifetime.

My friend, very suddenly passed tonight.

A young, courageous, beautiful, artistic, funny, loving, extremely talented, compassionate captivating soul.

No warning!

One minute fine, the next thing you know, she is in a coma, and has a stroke, and gets put on life support.

The decision is made, and life support is taken from her, and instantly, she passes!

What just happened?

What just happened to the beautiful soul that had the world going for her?

The ideas we had........... art, film.......... passion for love.......... and how to execute that in our art?

How two people could collaborate in making love appear before you! To touch people with a vision that somehow comes to us, with a respect, and honor for the beyond!

My friend, an amazing mother, sister to many, a divine soul, emulating a divinity that only comes around every once in a blue moon, if that!

Here it is again, questioning our very existence, beyond these bodies.

Why? You can't help but to ask why? Especially when it isn't "supposed" to be that time. So young, so talented, so beautiful, soulful, and magnetic!

She touched so many hearts with her genuineness, her lust for life, for love, and for her spirituality.

She had amazing people surround her as she left here.

What more could you want than for your loved ones to hold hands, pray, and sing, and celebrate a life that was honored, cherished and respected.

Tonight as I went for my walk, I looked up at the stars and had so many thoughts. I cried and said, "I am sorry", but then I said out loud, " Maybe I'm not". Maybe this journey is supposed to have"ended" or "begun", in essence, for you? Who is to say that one is better than the other?

I often think that life on the "other side" would be quite the wonderment, a sort of solid reprieve from this game of life.

Sometimes when there is a deep acknowledgement for life, for the reality of it all, there is a succulence toward the beyond, and it is almost a YES, YES, YES, to the unknown, in a very mysterious, reassuring way!

It isn't the "death" that people make it out to be. It is actually a beginning to really LIVING LIFE, and not reacting to it, but living it, in the truest of ways.

I look around my house, and see the enormity of a soul, so deep, so intimate with her work, and how it translates to the beyond, in physical form.

Her work was my muse!

The depth and passion in her artwork attracted me like no other, and we collaborated the mystery of life through words, and form.

Her innocence attracted every woman, man, child.............. she lit up a room with her depth, her innocence and love.

There is so much to say!

I am honored to have known such a soul, and will always remember the day we met, how buying her first painting, as a birthday gift for myself, and how, unbeknownst to me, such "extravagance" for me, would turn out to be a meal for she and her children, and maybe some clothes and transportation, at the time.

We both were a gift for one another.

That painting, amongst many of hers, hangs above my fireplace, in which the light shines so beautifully, on a figure, so surrendered, so naked and beautiful, telling volumes to all who can hear the silent call of a burning soul, thirsty for expression, through a vehicle called art.......paint.............and the amazing beauty of Gods way, to be the vehicle for so many of us, to translate what it is, that is so pertinent to get gently translate love, in the many ways that we can.

That painting is of her...........a self portrait of beauty, of love, and a divinity that, tonight, I honor, just as much as I do everyday, that I walk in my front door.

I love you Andrea.

Thank you for all that you have been for all of us.

May your beautiful soul rest in the arms of LOVE.

Your essence will be missed by so many!

My full heart, is with you,

now and always!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

"Good-night" sweet soul.

Gabriela........ (lovely) know what I am talking about ;)

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