Thursday, March 11, 2010


Today especially, but lately, even though certain circumstances in my life haven't changed greatly, I feel THE STRONGEST PULL forward, from that source we all know and love. Deem it what you want. God, the Universe, The source, fill in your own blank.

And even though things that you may want to change seem as if they are going at a snails pace, I can feel, and even see now, how things really do take a life of their own, (with you in mind of course, and all of the things that you ask for).

I honestly believe that when you believe in the process of how the Universe works, at least try to understand it, and stop trying to force every bit of your way of thinking into the equation, than you start to see that there is an underlying force that is there to help you, to guide you, and to not steer you away, but, in fact, hold your hand on a trail that really does take you to where your heart desires.

I do believe that things come our way to heal, to fix, to mend, and to also, grow up, and out of things that just don't work for us anymore.

Old habits, old friends, old patterns, cob webs from the past. Deep seeded things that we may not even know are there, but when we pull them up, or someone shows us some things about ourselves that make the puzzle seem not so complex anymore, we wonder why we haven't been dredging this stuff up all along, so that we can be on that Yellow Brick Road, back to "OZ", our true home inside that doesn't lie to us, and keeps us close to what is most real, and allows us to be so authentic in our nature.

Not some programmed bull crap the we learned along the way and suddenly have forgotten who the heck we really are.

Go back to who you were when you were a kid, say 7-ish.

What were you dreams and desires? How did you feel then, thinking about them? You may have thought they were just "dreams" because who really teaches us that we can have any darn thing we want if we just make a plan and go for it?

Did you want to be a teacher? A writer? A painter? An artist of sorts? What was it?

I know at age 7 I wanted the very same things I want now. It never changed, except for the fact that I did want to be a movie star. Now, I just want to make films, write books, and maybe have a cameo appearance hahaha. Not really..........

Many of the things I thought about then, are what I think about now.

Today, I have literally stepped back from the story line of my life, and have allowed myself to feel the pull of some awesome energy inside that is telling me something, I'm not quite sure.
There are so many opportunities, so many goodies in my life I can choose from right now, and it is exciting to know I have those choices, but I feel myself not wanting to compromise. I want EXACTLY WHAT I WANT, AND I AM GOING TO GET IT.

There may be a thing or two I know I won't get, but I'll work on that one, and clump it in with, "You can't always, get what you want, ya get what ya need".............. Love that Rolling Stones does apply, and sometimes you want to go..............DAMN.............but in clear moments, you know that probably, that thing just doesn't have a true place in your world, at least not the way you want it anyway.

All part of the unraveling, and that too, is cool, finding out the why's and how's, and just moving with the river of understanding.

There isn't really anything that is bad, if we can keep that perspective and use all of it for a better understanding of ourselves.

Today is feeling really specific about a couple of things that I want, and I can see that picture starting to flourish.

Who knows where I'll end up........... there is a whole life out there to choose from, people to meet, places to go, and things to uncover and learn.

I wish I could tag a few people along with me, but everyone has their own journey. I guess that is just how it goes. When you move with the river, you never know where that tide is going to take you, and you bless the grounds that you walked upon, and know that there are more sacred grounds to touch upon.

I love everyone who has been on my journey thus far.

Some amazing people who have touched my life.

I thank you so much for all the gifts that you have given to me.

Dig in and feel the pull of passion, to where you are going and trust that that genuine energy has a bag full of goodies that you have specifically requested along your may be your time to look in that bag, and remember that YES, YOU REALLY DID ASK FOR THOSE THINGS. Get on that Yellow Brick Road man. There are a ton of things to discover along the way. Don't keep looking for OZ...............just know you will certainly get there, but enjoy the gems along the way.

And..............don't be so afraid of the "Witches".............they really do melt as soon as you see who they really are!"


"the good witch"

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