Wednesday, March 17, 2010

RISKING IT ALL..........

No, I'm not gambling my bank account in Atlantic City..... not being a free flowin hippie......... (I don't think), or selling all of my possessions to live on an island, ( although that sounds darn good ).

I have decided that I am going to gamble everything inside of this little person, to go with every last gut feeling I have, to not second guess it, and see, just see, how differently my life turns around.

There are so many fears that go along with that. But, what will happen to me? What if this, what if that????????

There are so many things in my life right now that I see myself second guessing out of fear, and I am going to stop that train, TODAY.........RIGHT NOW, AS I WRITE.

There are a few situations in my life that my intuition says NO, NO, NO.............. And then the little nag inside called Miss Survival, says........."Oh, just do it, YOU HAVE TO, WHAT ELSE WILL YOU DO?"

I have been listening to it for awhile now, and today, I just said, "Why do something that feels less than awesome?"

And not just that one little thing, it is a multitude of things.

For awhile I have stayed very safe, in my little corner, and ignored my intuition, and quite frankly, felt extremely confined in my own little web of thoughts. Circumstances had me all wound up and feeling as if I had no choices.

Well, I have been doing some heavy duty healing, and things are getting fine tuned the way I like, and I think I want to start diving into more of what my heart knows, and to play a little chess with myself, to start understanding more, that my intuition is so darn powerful, and disregarding it or moving from fear, instead of love and trust, is just not going to get me to where I need to be, inside or out.

I am starting with this one scenario, that is kinda huge for me, and has kept me in a perpetual state of fear, thinking that there aren't too many choices regarding how to make the situation work. I'll tell you after I make the decision to NOT MOVE OUT OF FEAR, AND TO DO WHAT MY INTUITION SAYS.
I simply am not going to listen to what the "Survivor" says, and am going to just act as if nothing will happen, and from there, make responsible choices to support my own leadership! If I can't ace this little thing, which seems huge to that little girl in there who is always afraid of not being able to survive........then how am I going to get to do all of the enormous things that I want to do for myself, or the world, if something like this, or any of my other fears that hold me back, paralyzing me as if I am in a straight jacket??

The only straight jacket there is, is the one in my head!!!


I got up this morning after 2 amazing days off, and looked out onto the lake and saw a huge, huge universe out there, waiting for me, to use me in some way that is good, that is healing, that is of service to our society, and people, and time is being wasted! Wasted in thoughts!

There are so many thoughts that can be X- ed out, to make room for conducive ones, ones that propel us in a direction to change things. Yes, change the things that we see need some help. It doesn't take much to change things if we start small, and actually follow through with them. That is usually where we all get stuck.

I know I have had some great ideas, if I can say so myself, and my problem sometimes, is that I leave it on paper, or in my head, as.........that.............a THOUGHT.

The best thing we can do to make change, in any way, is to actually take one small step toward that goal, and actually carry it out.........see it through.................. see it through.............. see it...........feel it..........taste it............and don't let it off your tongue.................

Keep it fresh, and don't put it away in a box of memories.


And don't think past that. Don't overwhelm yourself by looking at the larger picture.

Look, I cannot feed all of Africa, but I can send packages when I can to the little orphanages that I went to.

I don't have thousands, right now, anyway, to build schools over there, or to buy them uniforms, or cloth the entire family.............but I have a million and one things here at my house that I look at everyday, crap with tags on it still that haven't been worn in years.

I can box those things up and send them off, with dry goods too.


Throw in box. Bring to post office. Mail.


Not exactly how I see me helping, is a start, and if I can do that, then the next thing will present itself, and more than likely, because I didn't allow fear to paralyze me, there will be another opportunity for me to do more, and then more, and then more, and there I am , In my beloved Africa, smiling like nobodies business, because I am surrounded by the people I love, the work I love, and the inner sensation that I am home, doing what I love, and it is effortless, completely effortless to just be, who I am, because.................

I didn't listen to my fears!!

I'm telling them to just shut up...........and on with my day I go!

So, that is it!

Africa is just one thing.

I have so much to give, in so many ways, to myself, to you, to the world, and to whoever is open to the purity in consciousness that rests in the most beautiful place, one that cannot be touched, or toyed with............ it is a genuine place of love that I cannot help but to fall in love with everyday.......and my moments are being swept away by it................

It is so, so, tender and sweet.

I wish for you all to find that...............

I'm still here, holding your hand.

Have an amazing day.............devoid of any fears!


You won't get hurt, I promise!!


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