Sunday, March 28, 2010


It's like the saying about money. "In one hand, and out of the other".

So it is with everything in life, I think.

When you look back on your life you see spurts of time where you were so passionate about someone or something and other faces stand out in that period of time as well......... and you really have to look at it all now and go.....WOW!

I mean, it seemed like a full life then, full of love, was your world, a certain amount of people were in your circle and you saw only those people and had very specific experiences.

Where are they now?

This is not to say that some people don't stay around in your life from the past, but for the most part, you go back to childhood, see all of those people and experiences, go to teenage years, then
on up to your college days-after college, and now, wherever that may be.
I think of how incredibly attached I was to certain people and situations and have moved with the flow of life, and, so have others.
What once was intimate, passionate, close, best friends, classmates, neighbors, is now all a memory laden with whatever emotion you want to tie to it.
My life is ever changing and growing.
Circumstances, people, and environment, changing before me and if I don't stay current on how change is good, how being in the flow is life transforming...............than I will be mourning loss after loss for the rest of my life.
Some things you wish wouldn't change, or people that are not in your life wish were............ but............ I don't want to be tied to a wishing tree that realistically won't deliver results because, it is just made up of wishes, and not in a reality of moving with what life brings you.
Once you jump in the river it seems foolish to hold on to the banks of the river.
That is not moving with the current.
Look at the people, places and scenery-enjoy- and ........move!
Sounds so emotionally kind of have to..............
Life moves too quickly to constantly hold onto things that are just in passing.
It's like going on vacation and being insistent that you do not want to go home, when you know darn well, you just have to.
You probably contemplate on the flight home..............why???
Why can't it just be this way, or that way?
Why does life have so many rules?
Isn't there a land somewhere, of free spirit where we can live so completely in our beings with no rules attached?
Well, ok, some rules...obvious ones for safety and such..............
I guess there will always be those things we want, but just cannot have.
To keep moving is homework, and...maturity!
To keep moving is consciousness-a continuous letting go of the old, and embracing the new.............and remembering what it all has taught us along the way.
I'm still moving slow- kind of on a row boat, rather than a motor boat, going down that river.
I want to see everyone, feel everything, and be present with each and every emotion that fills this body, and then.....let go, to churn new soil and begin on new treks, with greater awareness and compassion.
I am completely grateful for all who have been on my journey.
My heart is full.
Today, I am empty, ready for my row boat.
I'm moving slow............... movin slow................

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