Saturday, March 27, 2010


You will always get what you want in the appropriate time.

Don't lose sight of your vision, whatever that may be.

Keep it alive! Everyday, and all throughout your days.

There is no way that the Universe will deny you something that you want so badly.

Look around, stay awake for hints and clues, in a relaxed way. Nothing to be paranoid about, or moving from fear that if you DON'T LOOK AROUND, you will be doomed and none of your desires will come to fruition.

That is a crock!

If you are sending out messages that you want this or that but really, you are telling yourself it's probably not going to happen, or that it is not possible, than, probably, it won't...........

Check in with your self and see if your thoughts are paralleling your energy.


Anything can happen.........truly......... if you believe in it heart and soul!

Don't underestimate yourself!!

You are bigger than you think!

When you gaze out into the ocean or look up into the sky, don't you kind of go......WOW!

How on earth?? What goes beyond those stars? Does the Ocean end?

We don't know, do we?

We just don't know how vast it all is......the whys and the how's......

It just IS...........and how beautiful a sight!!

So it is for you!

You have no idea how big you are!

But.........YOU ARE!

You don't know the mysteries that lye beyond the stars.

You don't know the depths of the waves.

We, and IT are total phenomenons and if we don't start believing in our power and capacities than everything will just remain tiny little visions through the eyes of a robot.

See everything that you want!

Don't lose sight of it...........



Life is happening........


You are





1 comment:

  1. What you say is so true. I think if you stay true to what you want or love it has to come to you. I am watching the amazing miracle in my life of having the chance to do some things I have been dying to do. It hasn't been easy and it didn't come earlier when I thought it should, but it's HERE NOW. And I am thrilled to be a manifestor of what I desire!
