Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I do believe that what we have in our lives.........people, circumstances, work and such is what is, supposed to be for a reason.

I know there are lessons in everything, but sometimes it just seems so blatantly obvious that those particular things are there for us to see some things about ourselves, what things may need to change, or too, see how we have changed, in relation to people or how we now are with them, or even the circumstances too.

Maybe last year I would have been in the same scenario, and just felt so raw, vulnerable, and scarred, and today, there is a strength, to see it from a clearer perspective, and to see things more objectively.

If I hadn't been through that vulnerable stage, and felt the emotions , and had seen the psychology behind it, I may have just fallen prey to, "This thing is happening to me", and what should I do?

There is great comfort in knowing that I have done some hard earned work to feel good, feel strong, and clear, and able to steer myself in another direction, one that actually works FOR ME, not against me.

I think it boils down to really knowing how you feel inside, on all levels, and saying yes or no to any given situation, based on what your body tells you.

If you tune in enough, you will feel every bit of energy all around you, scope the good stuff out, and the not so good stuff will give you that mmmmmmmmmmmm kinda question mark in your head. Immediately, you know somethin' isn't right.

Don't go against that. Nip it in the bud, you might save yourself lots of years and emotional distress that you just don't need.

I love my lessons, some, of course now that I have come out on the other side. When you are going through them it is not a pretty sight, and you hope, just hope that someone will have the right touch to ease your pain.

Death, loss, of any kind, change, moving, or just plain ol' seeing your own personal stuff that maybe you have to get a dumpster to put it all in, and have it be carted away, for good this time.

Today, especially with the weather being as beautiful as it is, feels like a time of renewal, again.

That feeling of renewal comes and goes so much, that I want to always be ready for change when it comes. I know in order for me to do that, I need to do whatever it is that keeps me on top of my game.

It's different for everyone, but I feel great knowing I have finally gotten a hold of both horns on that bull and am riding it like a champ.

Ain't no losing here. Might take awhile but damn............... when you are a fighter, you are a fighter.

Don't fight anyone elses battles unless you have your own fought!

Stay close to yourself!! Find out what it is that makes you tick, what makes you want to wake up and greet the day with a huge smile, and go about the day, no matter what you are doing, or what is going on.

There are always going to be things that we want, when we don't have them, people we want to be with when they are not close, money to wish for when we don't have it, homes we dream about, cars we wish we had, and all of the things that are on the wish list............but.............but, if we can find a happiness within ourselves, minus every last thing on that wish list, then I would say you have licked the biggest part of living a truly authentic life!!!!

God, there is so much to talk about. So many things to learn, to cherish, to move past, to be grateful for, to thank someone for, and to just throw your hands up in the air in sheer gratitude that life is pretty chaotic, but we have the choice to change our mind sets in the flash of a tiny little second.

Honestly, you can go from feeling miserable and stuck, to feeling free and happy in the knowing that life is nothing other than a big fat CHOICE.............. ONE TINY LITTLE SWITCH OF THOUGHT.............AND YOU CAN BE ANYWHERE YOU WANT TO BE, INSIDE.


And.............I'm telling you...............right now, if I CAN...........SO ............CAN YOU!

I'm so very grateful for all of life's lessons, the pains, the hurts, the losses, and all of the things that make me feel full and alive in this crazy human body that still, on a regular everyday basis, continues to perplex me, and keeps me so on the edge with wonder, and thought, and keeps me WHO I AM, which is the one that always wants to feel life, and view life, with all of it's fancy colors, and blow it up so that my heart can get that much bigger, and one day, I will say the very same thing that I said when I just started to talk............... as a baby.............. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! And with a big breath............I started to walk, and talk, on my little journey here............... discovering life, as a total awe and wonderment....................

Nothing has changed.

I am utterly grateful for it all.................

I hope you are too!

as always,


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