Tuesday, March 2, 2010


..........yes, you, the one who cannot bare to NOT make a comment that really could be left in the "better left unsaid" category.

Today, I had off, but went in tonight for a few hours to make gift baskets.

Of course I wasn't in my normal chef coat, black pants and baseball cap. I was in Gabriela garb, which plainly means, some jeans, sneakers, (tennis shoes for all of you Texans and Californians), and a simple top, no biggie, just me, comfortable, especially on a day off, going in at 8pm. Are you kidding, that is my grilling time, moon and star time, and scratch a few doggies bellies time........ DO NOT...........interrupt............................ RUUUUDE! (that is my interpretation of bon qui qui's stand up). I still laugh at that every time. (For those of you who don't know who Bon Qui Qui is, google Bon qui qui at King Burger).........she is hilarious!

Anyway, I go in, and low and frigin behold............. I should know better than to even let these comments filter in, even if they are "innocent" and whatever word that covers up inappropriate or just plain tactless.

"Hay Gabby"......... Why are you wearing such baggy jeans? You would look better in jeans that are tight! What's up with that? Why would someone like YOU, wear jeans that don't fit to your body?

Now, I will leave a tad bit of room for the ones who just have plain ol' opinions, but man, I do have to say............. I would never, in a million years tell someone, unless we were super close, and really, ONLY IF THEY ASKED, that something might look better on them than what ever they were wearing.

Would anyone ever take into account that these are my clothes that I obviously chose for a reason, and obviously, since I am wearing them that would mean that I PROBABLY LIKE THEM??!!

It baffles me, in my life, how so many people are "displeased" with, say, my hair, my lack of make-up, my baggy jeans, my this and my that. I can say that in all of my life, I have never, and I say never, have spent so much time on someone else and their dress, or hair, or make-up or however it is that they are made or not made up to be.

Is there some formula that says, "When being born into a girl body, this is what you wear."
"When being into a boy body, this is what you wear."

It's like when I was a kid, and I would always go to my Grandma's house in NY for the summer.
Well, I came home one summer only to find that my room ,and my brothers had been painted.

I shrieked with total disgust as I saw that my room was painted PINK! Oh my god, kill me now!!

You will never see Pink in my wardrobe. It is just not a color I gravitate toward. I was so mad that my brother got the "blue" room. Well, hay, pppssshhhh, he's a boy, OF COURSE HE IS GOING TO GET A ROOM PAINTED BLUE!"

The point is. Why, why, why, with all of the labels. To some, this may seem endearing. To me, it is a total lack of expansion.

C'mon guys, this is 2010!! Girls ride Harley's, and probably could kick all of your butts! Guys are wearing more feminine clothes than we do. They spend more time on their hair than I do. I mean, who the hell cares what you are wearing, and for what reason.

I see people all of the time that maybe aren't dressed to date, or maybe done up too much, or too little, or whatever, and I see it as an observation, but certainly I am not going to go right up to them and say, "For God's sake Steve, why in the hell would you dare to ever wear that?"

It just kills me!!

I don't know, for some odd reason, I always get the ones who love to make commentaries on my hair, clothing, shoes, pants, accessories, you name it.

No wonder I love coming home and just unveiling. My dogs could give a rats ass what I am dressed like, what necklace I chose for the day, or how long or short my hair is.

As if it changes me in some way.

"You know, that Gabriela, she just isn't what we thought she was." I mean, with those baggy pants an' all............ hhmmmmmm, it's too bad, I really liked her, but ........those pants.........they just have to go.

This is a huge subject, one that I can truly expound on, but will cut it short tonight.

You get the gist.


Maybe honor their individuality rather than making a comment that really just goes back to the way you feel about yourself anyway.

Maybe we should all take a peek into how we may judge others by appearance, no matter if it is someone having a tattoo, a piercing, or just plain ol' dressing like an individual with specific taste.

Before spouting off, or even making a judgement in your head, just STOP!

Take a 30 second breath and see why it is that you need to tell someone how the way they are dressed or made up affects you in such a way.

Maybe it is YOU, who needs to take a look at how you judge yourself, and the way that you may not be adhering to your own individuality.

Maybe you wish you could be more authentic, but can't because people may have certain opinions about you??

Hmmm, I don't know.

Take a little sneak peak. I'm curious to see what you find.

I have learned to appreciate all types of people. And actually, the ones that I am attracted to ARE THE ARTIST TYPES. The ones who dare to be a bit different. I'm not saying I don't have opinions, but that just means I have the choice to have or not have those things in my life.

Personally, I don't want 92 piercings, but if that is what floats your boat, go right on ahead. I'll feel your pain from here.

Recently a new friend saw me bend over and saw that I had a tattoo on my back. She said, "Oh, my God, Gabriela............ you are too pretty to have have that on your body".

I get the view from there, trust me, but it did make me chuckle and then, I showed her another tattoo that I had and she about fell off of her chair. "Gabriela............WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY?????"

I have always loved tattoos. End of story.

It is so hard for people to fathom, and too, it is a whole other thing, being on this end, always being looked at as if there is something wrong with you.

I know there isn't, but it still baffles me in how peoples ideas are still so "land of the lost", and not allowing.

I love my baggy pants. I also love my tattoos that were specifically picked for very deep reasons, and that is for ME, not for you........ I love my hair when it is short, and I love it when it is long............ I like my tight pants, my flannel shirts, my dressy shirts, my lack of skirts, my hippie clothes, my this and my that. Why, because...............I CAN!!

And so can you!

Go! Be yourself. Color your hair, shave it off, wear ripped jeans, get dressed up, do whatever the heck you want if you feel good doing it.

If I feel embarrassed to be your friend, I'll kindly let you know.

hahahah kidding.

I love you all no matter what!

We for sure, are all entitled to opinions. Maybe just some of the time, we can keep quiet about it.

Ask yourself, "Is it really necessary to speak right now?"

People are human, and........sensitive.

Be awake to that!

People will respect you.

All my love,

1 comment:

  1. This is how you should dress... and this is how you should think politically and let me tell you what religion to believe in and while I'm at let's talk about what you are supposed to feel sexually. Those are all just one step away from - why are you wearing baggy pants?

    Who has the right to say that to another? Amazing...
