Friday, March 12, 2010


into what you are......REALLY ARE!

Like getting a pile of play doe from your mom and dad as a kid, and sculpting some figure out of too, can you morph, or mold, your very own self, as clay, into something that you see fit, for yourself, and then when it is done, you heat that sucker, and let it sit, until you then, do it, emulate it, and see that, what the heck is the big deal???? You see a picture, you hold that visual in your head, and then you execute it............. why??? Because you have a vision, and you can truly morph anything into ANYTHING.

That is what artistry is! See it, get it on paper, in clay, on film, whatever the modality it............see it..............feel it...........and execute it!!

If you wait for someone else to do it, then it will never happen, OR, someone will run off with your idea, and you will be pissed!

Jump on your ideas, even if you think they are a crock!!!!

Most people who "make it", don't wait for the next idea. They hop on the very first idea that comes their way, and if they screw up, they screw up, but at least they put their very best foot forward.

You can't wait. Screw up already! It's bound to happen, you might as well do it sooner than later.

I have sent in screenplay after screenplay. Who cares? If I never have my screenplay looked at, at least I know I sent it in, right?

Be into change!!! Morph yourself!

Allow yourself to be something different............... every moment!!

After all, change is change. Change happens every second. If I am the same as I was 10 minutes ago, I wouldn't be changing right?

Doesn't mean that will happen all of the time.

If you are open...........just open, you will be changing moment to moment. That is how fast life is changing, showing you new things, new ways to become more, or less. It is all about choice!

There is a sort of preparation for this fast moving change, and it ain't easy, I tell ya. It takes a certain mode, a certain mind set. I certainly did not get here by choice. I would like to say I did, but I would be lying. I was forced into this momentary way of thinking by circumstance, by the Grace of God. At this moment, and at other times in my life. I have to say, that these times were THE MOST incredible times. You don't have time to contemplate. You just move with energy, and then you see yourself in situations that are amazing, and you get to act your life out in such a euphoric way. No planning...........just in tune! Please don't say this is hippie language. It's life, in the flow.............. get with it left brainers!! Move on up into right brain world that is taking precedence in today's world. It has such a grand place in life, given it's credence. OK, I get it, we need to save, plan, and keep our feet on the ground, but ya'll need to lift your frigin feet up, go for a ride, raise hell, and scream at the top of your lungs out of sheet joy, that life is a f....blast...........and not all about the payroll, or the nice shiny book end you just bought, the painting of the shaggy rug that cost a grand.Who cares? Kick you heels up. Morph!

There is a mystical ride in life that is so fun, outside of what you see and think.

Try out new shoes.

Shoot, I have!

Uhhh, let's see............ labor reports, inventory.......... counting drawer after drawer............. accounting............ if that isn't left brain, I don't know what is?!

C'mon and play.....morph............change, or at least try on some boots that you never tried on before.

If they seem clunky, take them off. At least go around the block with them first, then access the situation.

OK, that is it.

Try things out.

I'm not spelling it out any more.

We have out work cut out for us.

Left brainers, you know who you are, right brainers................. I frigin love you.............! Balance right? Left...........right..............


I'm such a little shit............... go ahead........say warrants it!

Like I have said, there is good, in every "bad" situation.

There are always gems, in the rough spots.

Ya know, it feels as if I look like a completely different person at times........actually, most times.

I think it is because I have changed so much inside, that when I look in the mirror, I truly don't see the same girl, woman, person, who started on this trek to begin with.

As much as I don't want to see myself the same as two seconds ago.......I hope you, do not keep me in the small box that life tends to hand you. Someone who did this, or that, or said this, or said that...........

I am not the same!!

And too, I say the same for you. And for the ones I have not gotten a chance to speak with. That means you too.

I cannot keep you in the same spot as you were the last time we interacted. Certainly you must have morphed a million times over. And even if you haven't?? I have............ and that will change the situation whether you do something or not.

Let's all change, and fess up to our short comings.

I have crap! You have crap!

Who cares?

If we can work it out, lets go for it! If not, hay, we tried, and then it can still be our crap, but our extended crap that we decided needed more attention to. Really, it's not big deal.

I just have been seeing how we can all morph into such incredible beings, outside of what we see ourselves, and we create such barriers to ourselves. Yes, this means me too. I am no way exempt!

Look, we are not going to escape out crap overnight, so let's embrace the stuff that we dislike, and work on it so that we can like what we see.

Let's take responsibility for our actions and words.

I know that is a lot but we kinda have to.

I know I do!

It can get ugly, but hell........... I'd rather that than being totally embarrassed at the things I project out of total child like behaviour.

Call it psychosomatic............I don't care. I know what I mean..........and probably you do too, if you admit it.

Jump on the train...........let's morph into what we want and what we see.

No more robotic stuff!

It never works.........unless we are in the Jetson Era.

C'mon do this with me.

I'm high on energy that wants to fly........and get over old stuff!

Who's comin with me???




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