Sunday, March 21, 2010


I look out onto the water and see how rough the waves are today. How windy and cold it is today, and realize, our lives are so much like the changing tides.
The other day, it was 79 degrees and sailboats were drifting slowly, people were out having a grand ol' time, and today, not a boat in sight, the waves are crashing hard, and life is still happening.

It reminded me to stay centered within all of the changes that happen in my everyday life. To know, that things are constantly changing, and if I allow myself to be affected by the changes, then I truly will be riding on the roller coaster of life, and too, not being very realistic about how this life really is.

Things are constantly changing, and if I don't get this by now, than I will be fully grey haired by the time I reach 45, I'm sure!!

If I don't find some way to feel good in it all, no matter if the tide is low, high, hard, soft, gentle or crashing, I will be doing what every other person is doing, who isn't paying attention to the inner realm, that tells us, "Hay, everything really is OK", you are taken care of.

I'm not saying that life isn't rough. Hell............. it hands you some tough ones. It is up to me to find a way to stay good in it. And too, to not let my thoughts get the best of me, or take me too far into the future that I lose sight of this delicious moment, that, has some very, very cool things that will make you jump outa your seat. Very detailed, life changing moments that show you so many things about yourself, about life, and without words, we get answers, to things that we rack out logical brain about.

I do happen to think that in the silence of it all, God gives you the answers, and you wind up kicking yourself in the butt for not trusting in the whole process, and for trying to do, do, do, out of fear that your life isn't going to turn out the way you "planned".

That is a tough one to ace, as we all have ideas about our lives, how they should go, where we should be, how much money we need to be making and all of that.

Who really is to say what we are here for?

Maybe there is a plan already happening that blows your plan way out the door?

Maybe it is actually better than what you small little brain conjured up, maybe even closer to who you are than who YOU THINK YOU ARE?


I wanna say to myself, "you small thing you". Expand............ trust and know that God isn't going to deny any request that you may have, ESPECIALLY if it is for the good of all!!

Do you actually think if your heart is so passionate about something and it is pure in heart, that someone, something out there isn't going to fulfill that for you? Someone has to get this train going for us. We need more people to hold hands and get out there and spread some well needed love around, so we can make some significant change here.

I'm droppin all plans............ not 100%..........but keeping a vision, and leaving the rest up to the Unknown driver in my life, who knows me better than I know myself.

I trust that the music out there is playing loud enough, that it is an orchestra saying what needs to happen through music.

That music is right in front of you. Listen to it!! It is in the tree, the birds, your cat, dog, and even the person who is on your last nerve. There is music there, with "words" that will guide you.

It will steer you without thought!


And.........keep your visions alive.

No one is saying stay in bed and wait for a miracle. Get out there and help out.

Start one little thing at a time, but look next to you, in any and everything.............look for the words beyond the music.

They tell some pretty incredible stories, better than I could ever tell.

I'll meet you out there!


1 comment:

  1. I love this little thing I read - Experience change as a creative process and you will open up unlimited potential to create your life as you want.
