Thursday, March 4, 2010


I purposely woke up early this morning. I am a huge advocate on people getting the rest they need, and for me, that is not always the case, so I decided to take a different approach. Not that I don't want to sleep 8 hours, but if it is going to be that difficult right now, with all of the things that I have to do, than....... you kind of always move toward step B.

I decided to start changing my way of eating, although it is pretty darn healthy to begin with. I started changing the times I eat, for the most part. Work is hard for that. Having foccaccia bread in every corner of the house doesn't make life easy for an Italian girl who wants to divorce herself from breads for awhile. It's not the "oh, it's fattening thing", at all, really. It's the....... I am going to eat this, and momentarily, it will feel good, but I know, I just know, that in one hour, I will be hitting the deck, and from there goes the spiral. More cravings start and the domino affect is in motion.

I am slowly going at my own pace, making some changes that are feeling pretty darn good. I have been making my own fresh juices everyday. Cut out some things that were weighing me down, mentally and physically, and replaced it with some live goods, the ones that just naturally feel good, and give you the energy that you need, no matter if you had 2 hours of sleep or 10.

It was a little hard getting up so early when I went to bed so late. I tried to go to bed at 11 but I had so much energy, I sat up and read, wrote a bunch, and still, at 2 am, I was wide eyed and bushy tailed.

It was ok though. I sat up reading some great stuff, wrote about my little plans for myself in the upcoming days, weeks, and well.........just sort of doing some planning that otherwise would be nestled in my notepad, and not in my memory for me to pull on when I ask, "what is it that I want?"

Things have already changed in the last week, internally, and physically, I feel really good. There are so many things I want to fine tune, and am kind of excited that a mental switch has happened, and it almost, ( I said almost) seems effortless right now to move forward.

Hmm, I just said that and thought, yea, it has taken you a whole year to get out of a mind set that came from going through a huge change, physically, mentally, and spiritually. In all corners of my life. Friends, family, acquaintances, co-workers, relationships, moving............ losses on all kinds of levels, and wow............... what a year!!

It's sort of like those cartoons that you see when they are overwhelmed and wondered what just hit them........they shake their head so fast and go............UUUUUYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYY!!! What the heck was that??? The look of bewilderment sits solid on their face, and you just have to laugh!

No matter what we go through, no matter how much support we get, inevitably, we have to dig our way out of whatever put us "under", and we have to find our own special way of molding our lives back to the way we know it to be. For everyone that will show up different, and things that we used to believe in, or maybe thought we believed in, gave us a change of heart, and now we are re-molding ourselves to maybe another part of ourselves that has been locked away, for one reason or the other. Maybe we were with someone that helped shape our thought process and we thought, hmmmm, this sounds good right about now, and we went with it. Well, that may have worked then, but now, doesn't seems to fit where you are these days.

Friends that were with you then, believed in the same thing, and maybe they still do now, but you don't. We all change, and we grow and hopefully are on our right path for what we want and what makes us ultimately happy.

I love to hear where people are at. It gives me time and room to sit back and really listen to another perspective. I love hearing how you think and why. I don't have to agree, or, I just might learn something from you that I never knew, or maybe your thoughts are something I now could use in my life. Who knows, but I do want the chance to listen to you, and what your heart sings, and why.

It amazes me how specific we really have to be in order to step up the process in getting what we want. Just thinking of one small desire I have, there are tons of tiny steps for me to get to that place. Ok, so here we go. Let's start now. What is one thing I can do today to get me that much closer to that thing over there?

I do know that whatever we truly want, we can achieve with a little bit of diligence and a clear heart and mind.

It may take a while to sort through some changes you might be going through, but like I said, no matter what, if you dig down deep enough and you really want to make a change, you will, alone, find that perfect way. There may be a million people telling you some pretty great things, some great formulas, and ways to get to the top of that mountain, but only you, can feel that, and move from that place inside, when you are good and ready.

I've learned, and am still learning, that we are NEVER trapped by situations. We are only trapped by the thoughts that we tell ourselves. Our own preconceived concepts.

I am learning too, that you cannot possibly change your circumstances without examining, or at least taking a peak, to start, at our own imprisoning beliefs. We'll just keep attracting the same damn things into our lives over and over and over again, without having gotten to the core of why it was there to begin with.

This is my passion right now.

I want to live a very different life than what has been in the past. Not that it hasn't been great in many ways, but I have a much different vision of how I would like the next chapter of my life to go.

I am steering myself along. I have had the sweetest angels come into my life, with a gentleness of spirit, words that have pushed me forward, and souls that were just meant to hold my hand while times were tough.

I feel extremely fortunate.

It is an amazing day out, and I wish, wish, I had more time to write, to tell about all of the incredible things that happened just on my walk this morning, but of course, time is of the essence and I am starting to clock watch.

Stay in touch with your goals and desires. Keep them so fresh in your mind. It's not the pie in the sky, the "when I win the lottery", the "I will someday".............IT'S THE.............. I WILL...................PLAN!

I WILL..................

SEE IT, FEEL IT, SMELL IT AND GO DAMN IT..................... GO AFTER IT.....................

Do one thing today, that gets you one step closer. Whatever it is.

Love is crazy today................. must be the juice ;)

Love you all,
I know you know that!


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