Friday, March 5, 2010


Since I was a little girl, I have always had this keen sense about things. I would always think I was weird for thinking certain thoughts, and would often wonder WHY such thoughts? Why would all of a sudden I think about my moms friend, and walking into the kitchen saying, "Mom, I feel bad for Kim. She is going to go through a terrible divorce!"

My mom would say, "Honey, Kim is fine, why would you say such a thing?" And I would just tell her that she is going to be really sad, and maybe she (my mom) could hold her hand during this time.

Even though my mom would comment and say, honey, don't worry, Kim will be fine, she always, always, knew, somewhere in there, that I knew something that she didn't. Plus, for the fact, my mother was very much into the mysteries of life, life after death, reincarnation, angels, and all of the "occult" stuff. She, herself, was finely tuned in to a lot of things that were supernatural, and had a great, great sense of knowing about a lot of things, without them actually happening. As did my sister and one of my brothers. The 4 of us did share this knowing, on different levels. We all traipsed in and out of many mystical doorways, and acknowledge each others intuition about things, and I respect their input on a lot of things, that maybe they don't even have proof of, or any valid reasoning for saying some of the things they do, but innately, I get, that they.......get it, and maybe see some things that I don't.

Lately, I have been having so many premonitions about things, like I said earlier, that I have no idea why, and...... finding out, those premonitions are coming true, ten fold, right in front of my eyes. There was a period of time when I had allowed this phenomenon to play itself out in my life, because it was darn intriguing, and almost like playing chess, I had learned to fine tune it in many ways.
Well, when I started meditating, my teacher told me that those things were just not important, and to just let them pass on, like a dream. Interesting, because he used to tell us all the time, what premonitions he would have, I mean on a daily basis, like, don't take that flight, don't do this, or don't do that........ in retrospect, I see that they weren't premonitions at all. They were just more ways in which this man could control people, but that is a whole other story that hasn't even been let outa the bag yet, so................

back to my premonitions.

Within my deep interest in this new "thing", way back when, it had become such an interest that I had learned to figure out just how to keep that sense alive inside, and to be honest, it was helping me out in my own life, big time!

It's kind of like a hind site thing, only there was no hind site, because those instances or situations hadn't even happened yet.

Does this make sense or are you already thinking I am off my rocker?

It took a lot of focus and diligence to be able to see things as clearly as I wanted to, but it came to a certain point where I was seeing way too much, especially about other peoples lives, that I really had no interest in wanting to know. It came to me anyway, and I would see it, sort of like a film playing in my head, and watching someone else's life unfold before me. Some of these peoples lives were not pretty, some extremely sad, some incredibly disturbing, and some, just plain ol' regular everyday stuff, and regular lives being played out, but I still would see some of their personal lives, very clearly and say to myself, "What the hay, I really don't want to see so and so, doing..........that over there, or I really don't wanna know that they did that over there", and would want to shut it off, quickly, for that matter.

It was almost too much information to be filtered in this little brain, although, at this point, I really don't think THIS particular brain is all that small these days.

DATA..DATA...........DATA.............. automatic it is.............the computers we are!

So, again, this morning, I had this premonition, about someone I haven't seen in a very long time. It was a no nothing thought. This person is going to get married soon, and it isn't going to last, and she is going to experience some odd occurrences with this person.

That was right before I got up.

Sure sooner did I get outa bed, the thoughts were getting stronger about my friend, and why?? I haven't seen her in about 10 years.

I finally get to my computer to do my regular stuff, and find that out of the blue, I get an email from this very friend, saying she was thinking of me, and to let me know that she is engaged to be married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At this point, I am not surprised at these things. I laughed and thought, it kinda makes me feel as if I am doing some good in a way. Not for anyone, but for myself.

I could be wrong but whenever I am very focused on making my life clear, taking care of my body, getting good rest, exercising, feeding myself what I need or what works for this little body, then things do become more crystal clear, and maybe, just maybe, it's a higher frequency kinda thing.

I know tons of people who don't believe in this, and I guarantee you, that the first five minutes this hits the ether's, I will get emails, (not comments on my blog, cuz people are afraid to state their opinions, which, is OK), but I will get flooded with emails.

This particular subject will get people riled.

WHATEVER GABRIELA!! Hocus Pocus, get your broom out, light your incense, stare in your crystal ball, have a seance.............. sacrifice a few frogs.............. ha ha, I kid you not, these are things people say to me when I even bring this kind of thing up, but then again, I don't roam very far, so........... I'll leave the rest of the sentence for you to figure out.

I love having conversations with people who get this way, and have experienced things themselves.
Back home, friends of family are keen and aware of this state.

Nevertheless, who cares what anyone says, I'm just saying............WOW!

It's happening a lot and it made me wonder if it really is that things are just getting fine tuned and that I may be tapping into something that has been there, but maybe I haven't been available to actually get the information being sent.

I really don't care about what others are doing in their lives, but then when, and if, it happens for me, in my life, and it could possibly be a tool for a mere guidepost, than hay............ send me the film, let me unravel it, and see it..............

I'll be glad to snub the person's information that is sitting in front of me. I really don't want to know what color underwear your wearing anyway..........and too.............. I might laugh and say, "Uh, it's time you bought a new pair of those anyway!"

Things happen in our lives that are so interesting. It is like chess. I might dabble a little, but the last thing I want is to be filtering more and more information in a head that already has too much going on, on a regular basis.

If I see it is a good thing, or a tool to use, than, yeah........let's get on that horse and ride it!!

I have no wish to tell someone about something, good or bad, that I happen to see. Now, if I see you winning the lottery, I'll tell you over coffee, and bribe you into sharing half, since my computer detected it from the get go, hahahahha.

Interesting, interesting, interesting.................

This is a subject I just love.

I'll let ya know if I see your ticket coming...............

Meet you at Starbucks!!


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