Saturday, January 2, 2010


It is pretty amazing, probably a huge phenomenon, that when we actually take a look back into our past, who was in it, and what we were doing at that time, that you actually see the same person as you are now, give or take a few odd moments, or goofy pictures that don't really depict the "YOU" that you seem to relate to now.

I have been revisiting the past, with high school friends, sharing photo's, and I know for me, at that time, it was pretty important, or at least what was happening in my life at the time.

I recently, thanks to Facebook, have re acquainted myself with friends that were pretty damn dear, and close as close could be.

Isn't that funny? You see how life goes! People who are huge in your life, all of a sudden fade into the background of your life, but never, really, NEVER, DO YOU FORGET THEM!

I have moved, moved on, moved state to state, consciousness to consciousness, decade to decade, and still, those same people wrap themselves into my head, as to certain marks, in my evolution, and they are great people, all of whom make significant differences in my life, for different reasons or another.

I recently talked to my "posse" back home, via Face book and WOW, is all I have to say. So many great, incredible individuals, who I hung out with on a regular basis, dated, partied with, and more, more, more............... incredible people that marked my life in a way, that I will truly NEVER, EVER, FORGET. We, now, are getting reacquainted and catching up. Some have kids, some are still with each other from Prom and high school, some divorced, some still the same little shits that they were in school.


I don't forget these people, as these people were the ones that made my childhood.....good, bad, or indifferent. They were there, and made a mark on my life!

Now, these people don't just make a mark......they stain the shit out of your clothes, your picture in life.............I LOVE THESE PEOPLE.

In reconnecting, we have laughed our butts off, shared pictures and such, but I haven't had the luxury of connecting in true life, in person, only via Face book.

I have seen pictures of the reunions and it has brought such tears to my eyes.

They are "there", and I am "here".

I recently took out my photo albums, took pictures from my IPhone, of pictures from our past, and posted them to Face book, for old time sake.

It is so amazing, just looking at it from a TIME standpoint.

It has been over 20 years, yet we all have said it was just like yesterday. I felt like an old soul, for sure.

If 20 years can go by that quickly, than so can the rest of your life!

I am humbled by old loves, old friends that cracked me up, made me think, made me cry, and made my laugh hysterically.

I think of a very select few, and I think they know who they are.

You made my life come alive at certain moments in my life. As always, I will always tell you how you changed my life, when, why and how it affects me daily. Those of you who know me, know that! If you are in my life, you will know, for sure, how you fit in, how it changes me, or not changes me, and pretty much, either way, you will be appreciated.

Call me corny........ that is the way I do things.

Whether I visit my past, or my present, YOU ARE CHANGING ME!

My years have been chock full of memories, events, adventures, passionate moments, crazy moments, chilling, enlightening, and so, so unforgettable matter what they are labeled as.


As much as my "events", or situations, have affected me, I still, would have no qualms about keeping them as my Profile of life. They have been so extremely eclectic, and eccentric that, there really could be no wrong in it all.

Don't try to altar your past to make you feel better today. Even if it seems that your past has a different vibe as to where you are now, you can't, YOU JUST CAN'T, negate that it WAS THERE and that it has taught you something about yourself that will be remembered on your bed side, some where down the line.

You can run, but you cannot hide!

Stay aware of who you are, why, and how. We pretty much don't change, and if we do, we name it and call it out loud, and make changes, where changes are necessary.

This is much longer of a blog ................ it needs to be expounded upon.

Catch the glimpse. It's pretty revealing.

Huge respect and love for the ones who actually set themselves aside and GO FOR IT!


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